Steve Manning has released “Writer’s Report” ezine vol 1, issue 14. This issue answers questions of Manning’s students.

Steve Manning has released “Writer’s Report” ezine vol 1, issue 14. This issue answers questions of Manning’s students.

Manning’s email calls for more questions from students: “In this ezine, I’ll be answering questions that many of my students have. If you have a specific questions, send it along to I can’t promise that I’ll have room to use it, but I’ll try”. [email with the subject: Hi ….]

The questions answered in this ezine are:

– What do I say when asked what my book is like?

– Why can’t I send my manuscript to a publisher without the help of an agent?

For information on ‘How To Write A Book On Anything in 14 Days or Less!’, click here.

To sign up for Manning’s ezine/newsletter, click here.





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