Ted Ciuba and Glenn Dietzel are having a free teleseminar about authoring and publishing on Tuesday, May 9.

Ted Ciuba and Glenn Dietzel are having a free teleseminar about authoring and publishing on Tuesday, May 9.

Teleseminar sign up page title is:

“Tired of submitting HUNDREDS of manuscripts and book proposals to high-brow Literary Agents who don’t give a *!@! about what you wrote…

And Discover How To Author A Best Selling Book In Less Than 12 Hours of Actual Writing And Build A SIX and SEVEN Figure Income Internet Business of Your Dreams Using Highly Cherished Secrets Not Taught In Any MBA Program Globally.

In Fact, This Former Vice-Principal Will Reveal To You How To Use The Entrepreneurial Authoring and Publishing System To Dominate Your Market Even With An Incomplete Manuscript”.

Learnings from the Teleseminar

The learnings from the teleseminar as listed on the sign up page are:

“You will realize why Glenn has been called by his peers and the media the “Internet’s Best Kept Secret” as he shares with you a revolutionary new authoring program entitled, “Entrepreneurial Authoring and Publishing.”

– You will experience the new entrepreneurial publishing model that David Hancock and his New York publishing company have created and why some of the biggest names in the publishing business only come to him to publish their books.

– You will prove to yourself in this five minute exercise that you have what it takes to author a best seller.

– You will gain little know insider secrets as to how authors are using the entrepreneurial authoring method to begin making money even when their manuscript is NOT completed…and even far from it!

– You will gain access into a seldom discussed example of why David Hancock had to tell a New York times best selling author he would not publish his book.

– You will create a game plan as to how to gain access to David’s New York publishing company without paying for an agent or submitting the industry average 50 to 100 book proposals just to have a normal publisher finally look at your manuscript and end up rejecting it anyway.

– You will discover how to create a personal authoring template that you can use over and over again to create a 90 page eBook in as little as 12 hours.

– You will witness the power of entrepreneurial authoring as one author shares with you how he used this model to complete his book while driving in his car up and down the I-95 (and he wasn’t the one weaving all over the road!) ·

– You will hear the story of another author who used the entrepreneurial authoring system to launch his eBook and make more money in the first 24 hours than he made as a self-published author in the first year of its release.

– And so much more!”


Those who sign up get exclusive bonus: “And Just For Signing Up You Will Hear 7 Incredible Stories of Ordinary People Whose Lives Have Been Changed By This Program As Well As A Special Unannounced Bonus…Glenn’s Interview With Rudy Reuttiger From The Blockbuster Smash Hit, Rudy!”

Teleseminar Details

Key Persons: Ted Ciuba and Glenn Dietzel

Topic: Authoring and Publishing Books

Day/Date: Tuesday, May 9

Time: 6.50 to 8.15 pm EST

Register for call details.


To register for the teleseminar, click here.





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