Mark Tse is offering his subscribers a free report titled “The Five Mistakes Most People Make When Video Blogging”.

Mark Tse is offering his subscribers a free report titled “The Five Mistakes Most People Make When Video Blogging”.

Tse’s email lists the reasons why he thinks video blogging is going to be hyge:

“Video Blogging is going to be absolutely HUGE. Here are some reasons:

1. More and more people are signing on to the web with broad-band connections. This allows large files (such as videos) to be downloaded and processed quicker and easier.

2. Consumer-level equipment/software is getting cheaper, while the quality is skyrocketing!

3. It’s getting harder to get emails delivered (you can use blogs/video blogs to bypass spam filters altogether).

4. If you run a business, customers prefer different methods of communication. Some like a printed newsletter, some like video, some like audio, some like conference calls, some like faxes… Video is just another medium of delivering information.

5. Tons of people shoot and edit video as a hobby. And they can get international syndication For fre.e over the internet with video blogs”. [email with the subject: Discover the 5 Mistakes Most People Make When Video Blogging]

To sign up for Tse’s newsletter, click here.

To download the free report, click here.

This report is in Pdf format. You will need Adobe Acrobat to read this report. To download a free acrobat reader click here.





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