Power Pointers Representative Newsletter Issue 37 Released
Alan Bechtold has released “Power Pointers Representative” newsletter Vol. 3, Issue 37. This issue has an audio of Bechtold and Michael Penland teleseminar on “Future Millionaires Clubs”.
Alan Bechtold has released “Power Pointers Representative” newsletter Vol. 3, Issue 37. This issue has an audio of Bechtold and Michael Penland teleseminar on “Future Millionaires Clubs”.
Articles in this Issue are:
– Things Are POPPING!
– A Special FMC Update
Bechtold writes, “If you missed the call I held with marketing legend Michael Penland just a couple of weeks ago, you missed hearing about a HUGE opportunity to profit from a program everyone needs RIGHT NOW!
On the call, we announced Michael’s new Future Millionaires Club and how it helps members save a TON of money on everything they buy-and literally creates heroes out of the members who introduce new people to the organization”. [source]
To listen to the call, click here.
To go to “Future Millionaires Clubs” click here.
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