Kristie Tamsevicius’ interview by Lynne Klippel is available at “Web Sorority Talk Radio”. It is a wild, fun, and revealing interview, according to Tamsevicius.

Kristie Tamsevicius’ interview by Lynne Klippel is available at “Web Sorority Talk Radio”. It is a wild, fun, and revealing interview, according to Tamsevicius.

The introdcution to Kristie Tamsevicius is given on the radio as:

“Kristie Tamsevicius left corporate America so she could stay home with her children. Some say that it was a bold move, but she says that it was not only the right move; it has turned out to be far better than she could have possibly imagined.

Since then she gone on to start several successful home businesses, founded, a national support organization for work at home parents”. [source]

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