“Network Marketing Millionaire Academy” has a video of John Di Lemme and Karen titled “12 months to $12,000/Month – Are you next?”

“Network Marketing Millionaire Academy” has a video of John Di Lemme and Karen titled “12 months to $12,000/Month – Are you next?”

Lemme has offered a number of freebies in his email and one of them is a video:

“The Electrifying Profitable Video!

– 12 Months to $12,000 Video* (listen for the key word – EXACTLY!)”

The thirteen freebies of Leeme are”

#1) Top Ten Movies…

#2) Top Ten Books

#3) E – book – M.L.M. Myths that are Co.sting you-MIL.LIONS!…

#4) E – book – *8* Fundamentals that will make your Netw^ork Marketing Business-EXPLODE!

#5) The World Famous Monday Night Mill.ionaire *LIVE* Motivational Tele Class at 8:30 p.m. EST.

#6) If you’re wanting to learn the 10 Secrets to Ea.rn a Mill.ion Dollars in M.L.M, this is the place:

#7) The Eye – Opening Story about *Slavery*

#8) The Startling News about… 10,000 *Baby – Boomers* turning 50 per day

#9) The Electrifying Profitable Video! *12 Months to $12,000 Video*

#10) Enjoy the *10 Tips to make 2006 your Best Year Ever* live teleclass recording

#11) Why Home-Based Business?

#12 ) *M.L.M. Mill.ionaire Academy Boot Camp No Joke Video* Turn Up Your speakers

#13) The *Doctor from the U.K.* who is Breaking Records! Turn up your speakers

Lemme and his team offer one-on-one coaching. This is a limited time offer and according to the announcement page, “John Di Lemme wants YOU to be one of his 1,000 Network Marketing Millionaires that will be created through his Coaching Program!”

To watch the video of Lemme with Karen, click here.

For more information on the one-on-one coaching, click here.





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