Christine Kloser: Lynne Klippel’s Special Guest on Web Sorority Talk Radio From May 11-20
Lynne Klippel is going to have Christine Kloser as her special guest for “Web Sorority Talk Radio” from May 11-20. Christine shares her story of struggle, faith, and miracles, according to Klippel.
Lynne Klippel is going to have Christine Kloser as her special guest for “Web Sorority Talk Radio” from May 11-20. Christine shares her story of struggle, faith, and miracles, according to Klippel.
Klippel’s email introduces Kloser:
“Christine is the first woman who dared to combine business and spiritual principles in a networking community that serves like-minded women in achieving their business, personal, spiritual and financial fulfillment. The result?
She has helped hundred of entrepreneurs double, triple and even quadruple their income and improve the quality of their lives, so they can help improve the quality of life for those around them”. [email with the subject: Web Sorority Talk Radio]
To listen to the interview, click here.
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