Read Maria Marsala’s article on “Why Write Articles?”

Maria Marsala’s article is reprinted here:


Why Write Articles?

Marketing using articles is an inexpensive way to expose your services to large numbers of potential clients. Do you know that many ezine publishers (online newsletters) and web site owners are looking for free content? When you submit your articles as free content to article banks or to ezines, article writing can bring you free publicity. And you create a win-win for you and them, too. Still not sure about this tip? See more reasons to market with articles below:

1. When you submit articles about what you know, your specialty, you’ll have an opportunity to become known as an expert or authority in that field.

2. Your articles will be published and you’ll be a published author!

3. The bio you submit along with your article may bring traffic to your web site. You can also include a link to your product, ezine, affiliate site, etc. in the bio. Learn how to format your article here.

4. You may gain a new client, ezine subscribers, or sell a product.

5. You’ll have content for your own ezine (online newsletter), newsletter, or web site. Or to swap with other ezine publishers.

6. You’ll have material for an “extra” mailing to potential clients, former clients, or your network in general.

7. Local recognition starts occurring when you meet people who say they know you, and it’s because – you guessed it, they’ve read one of your articles in a local magazine or newspaper.

8. Because you’ll start being asked to write articles and be paid for them!

9. You can use your articles to provide an ebook or printed booklet for classes you teach.

10. To drive traffic to your site by placing each of your articles on its own page of your web site, along with keywords, a description, your bio, and guidelines on how your article can be used. Take a look at how I do it.

11. You even may have some part of your article used as a quote in another article!

12. You can add Google AdSense words in your articles and make more money, too.

© 2006 A former Wall Street trader, Maria Marsala is a nationally known author, strategist, trainer and owner of Elevating Your Business. Maria helps business owners with financial or technology companies accelerate profits and improve productivity — faster. Listen to her business and marketing plan audio at


*IMNewswatch would like to thank Maria Marsala for granting permission to reprint this article.





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