Ann Rusnak has released ‘Focus on Success Journal’ May 16, issue 19. Rusnak’s featured article titled “Tackling the Clutter Monster Part 2” is reprinted here.

Ann Rusnak has released ‘Focus on Success Journal’ May 16, issue 19.

Rusnak’s featured article titled “Tackling the Clutter Monster Part 2” is reprinted here.


The contents of the Newsletter are:

– Feature Article: Tackling the Clutter Monster Part 2

– Timely Snippets: Getting Organized

– Upcoming Events: Time Management TeleSeminar – Help! I Need More Time Now

– Weekly Time Technique: Reward Yourself

Teleseminar Details

Key Persons: Join Kirt Christensen and Ann Rusnak

Topic: Help! I Need More Time Now

Day/Date: Thursday, May 25

Time: 9.00 pm EDT (NY)

Register for call details.


Read AnnRusnak’s featured article here.

Tackling the Clutter Monster – Part 2

Last week, we talked about the cost of disorganization and the benefits of getting organized. Let’s define organization before going any further. I always thought organization meant a nice, tidy, clean, pristine environment – not a thing out of place, and not a pile on the desk.

Let me tell you… no way! Once I really understood what it meant, it became easier to form a new success habit.

Organization creates an environment that makes it easier for you to work and play. The set-up aids in the natural flow of the task to increase your productivity and effectiveness which helps you to be your best. The space is liberated from distractions and you can stay focused. You remain in control of your space, time, and life.

Disorganization controls you. The clutter and chaos around you runs your life… causing constant disruptions and stress.

I did promise you to share how I took a disorganized office and systematically cleared out the chaos. I began with our 7 Step Assessment. You can find some of those questions in Part One of this series.

What Caused the Clutter and Disorganization?

At the end of the year, my husband and I did an 80/20 review of our company. This resulted in two different and distinct income divisions within the corporation. We would see the greatest results for our time and efforts focusing on these two areas.

We then determined anything not pertaining to either division got eliminated or put on hold for a future date. This resulted in the lack of a natural work flow in the office. While the two divisions were totally unrelated, they did require using some of the same resources and procedures in the corporation. We found it hard to work in the office without getting in each others’ way, causing constant distractions and taking longer to start and finish anything.

Desired Outcome

Create a pleasant, stress-free working environment for both our business needs. We wanted to turn the 10 x 11 office space where both of us could work in the same area effectively.

Armed with the cause and desired outcome, the foundation for an effective and pleasing work environment could begin.

Let the Transformation Begin

You can begin to bring order and control while working in your current chaotic conditions. Think small. Using my assessment, I ended up with 34 small steps. I ranked those steps from the biggest clutter clogs to the smallest. Many of the smaller ones would solve themselves once the bigger ones were dealt with.

Focus on your top Clutter Clogs. Which ones drive you nuts? Your list may differ than mine…

1. CD storage
2. Mail (snail)
3. Office layout
4. Outdated information taking up space
5. Paper output
6. Training material
7. Marketing and copywriting swipe files
8. Coaching assignments

Begin with your very first one. CD’s drove me nuts. They were everywhere. So were the plastic cases. I store a lot of information using CDs. This included backups, graphics, training mp3s, websites, templates, project management, research, internet downloads etc.

Anything I constantly use stays on the computer.

I tried a variety of CD storage/organizing items over the years. None seem to work effectively for me and they encroached on my work space. Now that two people worked in the office, any additional CD organizers would take up more valuable space.

A trip to the office supply store along with some creative thinking solved the problem. We now have the capacity to store up to 800 CD’s in a 12″ space. We both can get them easily without either one of us leaving our office chairs.

Now with CD’s organized, I can now focus on “keeping up” or maintaining their organization while tackling the other areas one step at a time. This is how you too can begin to develop your new “getting organized” habit.

Next week, I’ll share exactly what I did with CD’s along with some other tactics including some effective office layout methods.

If you’d like a copy of the 7 Step Assessment, just post a comment about this article or your biggest clutter clog on our blog at

Want To Use This Article In Your eZine or Web Site? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Ann Rusnak, “The Time Diva” developed a system to show busy self employed people and business owners how to achieve success with less effort and time. Receive her free Time Package and find more additional articles at: Simple Time Management


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*IMNewswatch would like to thank Ann Rusnak for granting permission to reprint this article.









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