KnowledgeFilter Awarded Patent for Web 2.0 Application
KnowledgeFilter is awarded a US patent for a Web 2.0 application. The application will be able to capture and filter information by utilizing user input to organize web-based content.
KnowledgeFilter is awarded a US patent for a Web 2.0 application. The application will be able to capture and filter information by utilizing user input to organize web-based content.
The application can also be used to:
“¢ Create and self-organize online collections, including videos, pictures, text, ideas and creative works.
“¢ Provide consensus-based decision support on relevant topics.
“¢ Allow readers to weigh in on issues and select user-generated content for media, including newspapers.
“¢ Self-organize knowledge bases.
Michael Heumann, founder and president of KnowledgeFilter, said: “The Web has returned to its user-content roots, and it now makes sense to incorporate human feedback into the content organization and search process.”
The patent was originally filed in 1999. The patent number is US patent #7,031,952.
For more information on the patent, visit KnowledgeFilter.
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