Callen’s Lesson: Are you ready to push your online business into Overdrive?
Study Brad Callen’s lesson titled “Are you ready to push your online business into Overdrive?”.
Brad Callen’s lesson is reprinted here:
Are you ready to push your online business into OVERDRIVE?
What do Seth Godin, Jim Edwards and Ken Evoy have in common?
All three of these marketing geniuses helped “˜launch’ their online careers through info products.
The info product business model is by far one of the most profitable ways you can build an online business, help others that could greatly use the information you have stored away… and make loads of money in the process. You can use an ebook (electronic book) as just part of a greater online effort (such as promoting a service) or sell it on its own, and still make a hefty profit.
The trick comes in knowing how to write and market the book. You also have to know what to write about. These three things (“what to write”, “how to write”, and “then what”) combine to make life difficult for almost anyone wanting to start their online business by selling an ebook, and the simple fact that people “don’t know what to do” is the single biggest reason why there are so many ebooks being written every week and so few of them becoming profitable.
In the next few lessons, I’m going to get up close and personal with the info product business model and show you exactly how you can launch your very own info product in little to no time at all.
Why should you listen to me on the topic of info product creation?
Not because I know how to market online ““ after all, many other people just like me have built up successful online businesses selling a variety of products, from software to services to even ideas (to an extent, a forum is a business if it can generate revenue for you, but it still remains a place to discuss and share ideas).
No, the reason you should listen to me is because I KNOW exactly what it takes to write a book from scratch. Things are very different if you’re basing the health of your entire online future on the success of your info product. Many people turn down the insanely lucrative idea of writing and selling an info product because they are afraid.
Afraid of not knowing what to write.
Afraid of not knowing how to write a book (especially those people who’re not natural writers (Trust me… I know how that feels).
Afraid of not knowing how to sell the book.
Afraid of not knowing what to do after they’ve created their online business.
I know how it feels. I’ve been through the whole process when I wrote my first ebook back in 2002. I learned through trial and error what the “master” tactics were in shaving days and weeks off your book writing time, and I learned first hand what worked and what didn’t work when it came to marketing my ebook.
It’s what I learned while marketing my first ebook that I built upon and used to create SEO Elite and write the 7 days to massive website traffic course (and still use to write this newsletter).
When it comes to marketing ebooks; I KNOW how to drive massive amounts of traffic to my sites.
So what are we waiting for? Maybe you don’t think that an info product business is right for you.
Creating Value…
The first, and most obvious of reasons for creating an info product is the enormous profit margins.
Unlike a service, there are little or no recurring costs for making repeat sales of your ebook. Unlike selling products, there are no inventory costs or product costs to cut into the profits.
An info product, if written for a large and hungry market, is a goldmine because it does not cost anything to replicate. Write once, and keep on selling years later. A mini-site selling your ebook is the essence of passive income ““ your info product business runs on autopilot, earning you money every day without any effort from your part.
Considering that you can launch an info product business in as little as 7 days, if you hurry; or 14 days if you’re new to it, that sort of time investment seems way too less for the sort of returns we’re talking about. Let’s say your ebook is priced at $47 and sells about 10 copies a month. In a year, that one book will make you over five thousand dollars. If you sell 20 copies a month, you make eleven thousand dollars.
All from a 7 to 14 day process!
Now add what I will teach you about marketing your book, and you can take that “copies sold” number up to 50 a month (it’s possible to go much higher than that in a market with decent demand, as long as you have a system in place that drives traffic to your site). That’s a cool 28 thousand dollars in your account by the end of the year.
Now copy this system and implement it in a dozen different markets. 12 info products, with each info product earning you somewhere between 20 to 30 thousand dollars a year.
That’s way more money than I care to count right now. The important thing is that this is not something I’m just making up. It is possible, and many very successful internet marketers are doing exactly this right now.
The question is…when will YOU cash in?
Another reason to publish an info product is to supplement an already-running online business.
Suppose that you have a successful niche blog or forum that you’re running, with an established reader base. You can easily write an ebook targeted towards your current market, and leverage your status as an “˜authority’ in the niche to generate publicity and sales for your book.
Similarly, if you run a services business, a published book (even if it is just an ebook) can simultaneously boost your credibility and add to the bottom line for you.
Now, you’re not just making money off your knowledge, but you’re also using it to supplement your business ““ people who buy your book will trust your opinion and come back to your site. What’s more, your visitors and customers have more of an opportunity to refer others to your site and your book, leading to a cycle of increased profits for you.
The public relations aspect of an info product cannot be ignored. A successful info product instantly establishes you as an expert in your niche, and gives you a credible platform that you can then use to sell your services or other products. Information, and more importantly qualified information coming from an expert, is valued more than ever today.
Building Trust
In a perfect world where you have an unlimited amount of time to create an ebook, it’s possible to create and publish one in as little as 1 week. However, it’s not a perfect world. You, more than likely have a day job, or at the very least, another business to take care of. You can’t just close up shop, ignore the world and do nothing else apart from writing all day long.
A 1 week system works like clockwork for experts and experienced writers, but I think it might be pushing the envelope just a bit for a newcomer to the info product business.
I’d suggest putting at least 14 days into the process, and even then everything has to be timed properly so that you don’t neglect writing your book.
The bottom line, writing your first ebook will take some time and effort. The biggest hurdle you’ll face will be doing the actual “writing” ““ everything else is part of a system where you just follow instructions (well, almost that simple).
In the next two lessons, I’ll cover the writing process in detail, and show you exactly how you can sidestep those jitters and eliminate that sinking feeling in the stomach you might get when you sit down to write a 50 page ebook.
It’s a simple process, actually. But more on this next time. For now, if you have any specific questions you want answered on this topic (“Launching an info product Business”), let me know at I’ll be answering these questions personally for the next few days.
Stay tuned for the next lesson as I get more into the meat of creating an info product!
All the best,
Brad Callen
Professional SEO
To get a free copy of “7 Days To Massive Website Traffic!”, go to SEO Elite.
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Brad Callen for granting permission to reprint this article.
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