Google got 47.40% of search visitors, Yahoo search had 16% of searchers and MSN search had 11.50% search visitors, according to Hitwise US blog.

Google got 47.40% of search visitors, Yahoo search had 16% of searchers and MSN search had 11.50% search visitors, according to Hitwise US blog.

Key findings of the Hitwise US blog include:

– Yahoo mail got 42.40% of emailers

– MSN Hotmail got 22.90% of emailers

– Myspace mail had 19.50% visitors for its email services

– Gmail had 2.54% visitors form emailing

– Yahoo news had 6.30% of visitors for news services

– Google news had 1.90% of visitors for news services

– For travel and map services Mapquest received 56.30% of visitors.

To get the complete details, click here.

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