Chris Ellington and Trisha Cupra are having a free teleseminar on Thursday, May 25. The topic of the teleseminar is “Which Essential Element of Your Website Is Pushing Over 40% of Your Visitors Away”.

Chris Ellington and Trisha Cupra are having a free teleseminar on Thursday, May 25.

The topic of the teleseminar is “Which Essential Element of Your Website Is Pushing Over 40% of Your Visitors Away”.

Teleseminar Details

Key Persons: Chris Ellington and Trisha Cupra

Topic: Which Essential Element of Your Website Is Pushing Over 40% of Your Visitors Away

Day/Date: Thursday, May 25

Time: 5.00 pm PST

Register for call details.

Chris Ellington on the Teleseminar

Ellington says in the press statement, “Article Marketer University offers internet marketers a free one-hour teleseminar with international web designer Trisha Cupra. Ms. Cupra will be discussing the most important aspect of a business web presence: how to instantly create trust through your website.

During this informative seminar, participants will learn how to avoid making a specific, common mistake which pushes over 40% of web visitors away. This single element of a site has been responsible for the failure of a number of well-known web ventures.

Additionally, Ms. Cupra will point out the top ten mistakes that make a website look amateurish, and the specific steps internet marketers can take to give their sites a polished, professional look. She will also describe five very simple web changes you can make right now to immediately increase visitor confidence.

The free teleseminar, “Which Essential Element of Your Website Is Pushing Over 40% of Your Visitors Away” will be held on Thursday, May 25 at 5pm Pacific Time. Register at Article Marketer University – Seats are limited to the first 250 registered participants”. [PR submitted to IMNewswatch]

Visit Article Marketer to register.

* This news post contains information submitted by Chris Ellington.









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