‘e-consultancy’ newsletter May issue has been released. Article: Andrew Robinson on Email Marketing.

‘e-consultancy’ newsletter May issue has been released.


The contents of the Newsletter are:

1. Andrew Robinson on Email Marketing

2. The watercooler… what we’ve been reading recently

3. Search Marketing Buyer’s Guide 2006

4. JOBS: Need a new job in the internet industry?

5. Top forum post: Example of an SEO best practice site

6. Top forum post: How much Flash is too much Flash?


‘Andrew Robinson on Email Marketing’ discusses the following points:

– “How much do you think the focus of Email Marketing has changed over recent years?

– How mature is this market?

– How much better are client-side marketers becoming at recognising the potential of email for delivering against both revenue and brand-building objectives?

– Are companies getting better at integrating email into broader marketing objectives?

– “Right message, right person, right time” is the mantra of many email marketing specialists? Do you think people are getting more relevant email than they were three or four years ago? Do you have any ROI for segmentation/personalisation?

– ISP relations are an important focus now for many email service providers. How crucial is this area and to what extent is a localised approach needed?

– Deliverability issues won’t go away. What are the key trends and issues in this area which need to be understood to maximise the chances of email reaching the inbox?” [source]

These as well as many other points are discussed in detail in the newsletter.


Go to eConsultancy Newsletter to read the latest issue.

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