Joe Lavery has launched ‘Invisible Squeeze Pages’, a software that redirects subscribers to any other page such as sales letter, special offer, or targeted affiliate program. Those who sign up for more information on a product do not see the same optin page when they return to the website, according to Lavery.

Joe Lavery has launched ‘Invisible Squeeze Pages’, a software that redirects subscribers to any other page such as sales letter, special offer, or targeted affiliate program.

Those who sign up for more information on a product do not see the same optin page when they return to the website, according to Lavery.

Lavery says, “Invisible Squeeze Pages allow you to redirect return visitors (subscribers) to any page you’d like… so they do NOT see the same optin page when the return to your website. Instead send them to your sales letter, special offer, or targeted affiliate program. Members can also create simple cookie-based OTO One Time Offers”. [PR submitted to IMNewswatch]

Once you sign up for Invisible Squeeze Pages you are sent an email seeking confirmation.

Once you confirm, you are taken to the beta version of Invisible Squeeze Pages.

The following details are from the beta special page after registration.


Invisible Squeeze Pages Beta Membership sales letter title is:

“Who Else Wants to Start Using Invisible Squeeze Pages to Make More Money Easily?”


The Invisible Squeeze Pages Beta Membership benefits are:

“With Your Invisible Squeeze Pages Beta Membership You’ll Get:

– Instant Access to the Members-Only Website

– Step-By-Step Video Tutorials on How to Use Invisible Squeeze Pages

– Rapid Technical Support via our Online Helpdesk

– At least a 2 week head start using Invisible Squeeze Pages

– Opportunity to submit your personal feedback and suggestions for improving the service

– UNLIMITED Invisible Squeeze Pages and OTOs One-Time-Offers”


Those who become members get access to “Quick Squeeze Members-Only Resources Page”. This page has a number of resources including videos. The videos listed are:

– Intro: “See Joe Lavery arriving in Vermont.

– Part 1: Setting the stage & squeeze page basics.

– Part 2: The biggest mistake most internet marketers and affiliates make. Audio & video tips.

– Part 3: Headline font & color formatting, headline template, quotation marks, voice broadcasts & more.

– Part 4: Testing & tracking, software recommendations, split testing, other misc tips.

– Part 5: Disappearing squeeze page strategy, promoting your main website vs a squeeze, PHP trick code you need, 5 words your websites needs.

– Part 6: Popups, exit pops, unblockable popups, recycling exit traffic, and more.

– Part 7: The STUPIDEST thing Tellman has ever seen, marketing wise. Daily email strategies, web design tips, building list responsiveness..

– Part 8: Can you notice something out of place in this video? The power technique for boosting email response, plus the little-known strategy of Controversy marketing”

[Source : Page that opens after subscribing to Invisible Squeeze Pages]

The product was launched on May 16.


The price of Invisible Squeeze Pages Beta Membership is $97.

Software Details

Platform supported: Linux, Unix and Windows Servers

System requirements: PHP enabled web pages


Go to Invisisble Squeeze Pages for more information.

* This news post contains information and news source submitted by Joe Lavery.









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