77% of adults are using the internet now and 70% are using it from home. The percentage of adults using the internet has steadily increased from 57% in 2000 to 77% in 2006.

77% of adults are using the internet now and 70% are using it from home. The percentage of adults using the internet has steadily increased from 57% in 2000 to 77% in 2006.

Additional key findings include:

– The rate of adults who are online ‘at home’ is 70%, compared to 66% in 2005.
– The rate of adults who are online ‘at work’ is 35%, compared to 36% in 2005.
– The rate of adults whoa re online ‘at a place other than their home or work’ is 22%, compared to 21% in 2005.
– 8% of online users are aged 65 or more.
– 39% of online users did not go to college.
– 14% have less than $25,000 incomes.


For more information on the poll results, click here.

For more information on the company, visit Harris Interactive.





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