Moya’s Article: Understanding the Power of Ipod Movies
Read Cody Moya’s article on Understanding the Power of Ipod Movies.
Cody Moya’s article is reprinted here:
Understanding the Power of Ipod Movies
The new Ipod music player, introduced only a short time ago by Apple Computer, was an instant hit with music lovers of all tastes, but it quickly became much more than that. As Apple and others soon discovered, there was a market for playing much more than music on the Ipod, and Apple soon released a version of the Ipod that was capable of playing video files as well as music files.
If anything, the new video version of the Apple Ipod was even more of a hit than the original music only version, and many entrepreneurs from outside the world of music and computers began to take notice and understand the true power of what still seemed to many as a mere MP3 player.
What these smart internet entrepreneurs realized was that eventually not only would Ipod owners watch short video clips on their Ipods, but they would want to use their Ipods to watch full length movies as well.
Many people were initially skeptical that Ipod owners would be willing to watch full length movies on such a small screen, but the quality of that small screen quickly led more people to believe that watching movies in such a small format had a great deal of potential.
It is certainly quite easy to understand why an Ipod owner would want to use his or her portable music player to watch movies. Anyone who has ever traveled long distances by train, plane, bus or as a passenger in an automobile knows how boring those long trips can be, and the ability to watch a full length movie while on the move certainly has a great deal of appeal.
The very portability and small size of the Ipod is actually an advantage, not a disadvantage, in the world of movies.
What that means is that those who are positioned to sell these full length movies are in a strong position indeed, and the business of selling movies directly for the Ipod market is expected to be an excellent, and quite profitable, business going forward. Those who want to make money online would do well to check out the power of this great market to see what it has to offer.
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Here For Your Success
Cody Moya
P.S. Make sure to check
Address: P.O. BOX 24, Little Falls, NJ 07424
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Cody Moya for granting permission to reprint this article.
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