Codrut Turcanu’s update on ‘ClickBank Affiliate Confessions’ ePackage has informed that volume one and volume 2 of the epackage are going to be combined into a stand alone package. According to Turcanu the price will go up to $197.

Codrut Turcanu’s has sent an update on ‘ClickBank Affiliate Confessions’ ePackage.

Updates on the Package

“Heather and I are going to turn ClickBank Affiliate Confessions vol. 1 and vol. 2 into a stand alone package and sell it for at least $197.

This is going to happen in the next few days, so you’d better take action right *now*, I mean it!

Today is your chance to grab vol. 1 for only $69.97 and vol. 2 for a puny $47.

You can’t grab vol. 2 if you don’t get *access* to vol. 1 first”.

[email with the subject: – You Have 365 Days… ]

According to Turcanu, the package has a 365-day money-back guarantee.


Go to ClickBank Affiliate Confessions ePackage sales letter.





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