YouTube accounted for 43% of traffic to video sites, according to a report by Hitwise. MySpace accounted for 24.2% and Yahoo accounted for 9.6%.

YouTube accounted for 43% of traffic to video sites, according to a report by Hitwise. YouTube’s market share of visits increased 160% compared to the week ending Feb 25, 2006.

MySpace accounted for 24.2% and Yahoo accounted for 9.6%.

Additional key findings include:

– The total market share of internet visits to online video sites increased 164%.
– MSN Video Search accounted for 9.21%.
– Google Video Search accounted for 6.48%
– Other online video sites in the list were:
“¢ AOL Video: 4.28%
“¢ iFilm: 2.28%
“¢ Grouper: 0.69%
“¢ 0.22% and
“¢ 0.09%

LeeAnn Prescott, senior research analyst at Hitwise, said: “The rapid growth of online video sites in the past six months demonstrates a major shift in online behavior. The Internet is quickly moving from static web pages to an environment rich with interaction and user generated multimedia content.” [Source]


For more information and to read the full report, Source.

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