Moya’s Featured Article: How an article series can improve your affiliate income
Read Cody Moya’s featured article on “How an article series can improve your affiliate income”.
Cody Moya’s featured article is reprinted here.
How an article series can improve your affiliate income
Most successful affiliates already know the importance of creating quality articles to the success of an affiliate program. Providing a constant stream of fresh, compelling content is vital in order to keep those large commission checks coming in month after month. There is a great deal of competition for a limited amount of affiliate dollars, so it is important to continually strive to provide the best content to your list of subscribers.
The first step, of course, is to create quality articles. This is best done by buying the private rights to those articles for a small fee. There are a number of websites where affiliates can purchase quality articles for low cost. It is important to obtain private use of these articles, and to get the ability to put your name on them. This is important when using those articles with your affiliate link.
After you have your list of subscribers created, it is important to provide those subscribers with the content for which they signed up. For instance, if your subscribers have expressed an interest in dog training techniques, it is important to provide them with a series of well written articles on the subject, as well as a series of affiliate links to either the same website or a different website.
The affiliate link will send the reader to a merchant who sells a product or service similar to the one he or she has expressed interest in. Using a series of articles in this way sets up a win/win situation for both the subscriber and the affiliate. The subscriber gets to read a well written article about a subject he or she is already interested in, and the affiliate gains a commission from sales made through the affiliate link. In the end everyone is happy, especially you as the affiliate!
Another important reason to create a series of articles is that it allows the affiliate to send solo ads to his or her list of subscribers. These emails with embedded ads will focus on products in the area in which the subscribers have expressed interest. For instance, creating a series of articles about horse training provides the affiliate with the chance to send a series of emails containing ads for all sorts of horse training aids and related horse products, all through the affiliate link.
It also affords the opportunity for each new article to be embedded with an affiliate link to the merchant who sells bridles, bits, brushes and other horse related items.
Creating a series of articles on a series of different subjects, and building a subscriber list for each of those subjects, is a great way for the affiliate to earn commissions from a variety of different merchants. It is important, of course, to keep the articles focused on the subject in which each group of subscribers has expressed an interest, just as it is important for each article and email to contain an affiliate link through which those subscribers are invited to buy the products offered by your affiliated merchants.
That is why a series of related articles is so important to being a successful affiliate. For only a small investment in creating the articles, the affiliate is able to reap many dollars through affiliate commissions.
Cody Moya writes about How to Earn As Affiliate in his Free Courses on Internet Marketing. You can sign up for his free Courses and get additional information at his website:
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*IMNewswatch would like to thank Cody Moya for granting permission to reprint this.
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