Bob Serling is planning to offer a ‘Copywriters Mentoring Program’ for eighteen people through eight teleseminars. The course for the teleseminars will be the same as his ‘Killer Copywriting Simplified Seminar’, according to Serling.

Bob Serling is planning to offer a ‘Copywriters Mentoring Program’ through eight teleseminars.

The course for the teleseminars will be the same as his ‘Killer Copywriting Simplified Seminar’, according to Serling.

Serling will take eighteen people for the mentoring program.

The duration of the mentoring program will be four months – eight two-hour teleseminars.

Serling says, “However, I’m seriously considering offering a Copywriters Mentoring Program that would have all the same material and components of the seminar, but in a different format. It would be presented in 8 teleseminar sessions, two hours each, every two weeks for four months. This would give you more time to absorb the material, write your first marketing piece and get personal support and feedback from me.

The price would be the same as the seminar, but you wouldn’t have the costs or hassle of traveling. If this is something that you’d seriously like to consider, please let me know. The same enrollment limit of just 18 people would apply, so you’d be guaranteed all the personal attention you need to be successful. If you’re interested in participating in this Mentoring program, please drop me an email to let me know at: to download a 16-page information packet.

Related IMNewswatch Post

Serling’s Free Report: ‘Killer Copywriting Simplified’

Serling Announcing a ‘Copywriting Seminar’ This Summer

Serling’s Free MP3 Download: Interviews of Fifteen Internet Marketers

Serling’s report is in PDF format. You will need Adobe Acrobat to read this report.





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