Holly Cotter has relaunched ‘Ultimate Mentor 101’ with free membership for the first 250 who register. The original price is $69.95 per year. Ater 250 registrants, the free membership offer will be closed, according to Cotter.

Holly Cotter has relaunched ‘Ultimate Mentor 101’ with free membership for the first 250 who register.

The original price is $69.95 per year.

Ater 250 registrants, the free membership offer will be closed, according to Cotter.

Registration Page

According to the sign up page the free membership benefits include:

– “365-Day Profit-Building eClass (Value $47/month)

– Monthly Coaching Calls (Value $97/month)

– Recorded Playbacks of Monthly Coaching Calls (Value $97/month)

– Expert of the Month Interviews (Value $97/month)

– Video Training Library (Value $67/month)

– Valuable Collection of Useful Resources (Value $19.95/month)

– Proven System for Building Multiple Income Streams (Value $Priceless)

– 100% Affiliate Commissions! (Value $Unlimited)”

Resources for Ultimate Mentor 101 Students

The resources available to ‘Ultimate Mentor 101’ students include:

– “Coaching calls: The next coaching call is going to be on Thursday, June 15 at 5.00 pm EST. The training topic is: Outsourcing On A Budget. The resource section also has the previous calls “Available 24/7 Via Our Replay Line…”

– Websites and Resources Mentioned During Call…(JV Alert Seminar, The Launch Train, ToastMasters)

– Expert of the month interview: For this month the expert is Craig Perrine and the topic is: How To Use Online And Offline Strategies To Build A Targeted And Responsive List

– Video Training Library: New video clips are added to this library on a regular basis, so be sure to visit this section of the members area often. Each video clip shows you exactly how to perform a specific task that is necessary for your business.

– Resource Library: free ebooks, free software, quality webhosting, recommended list-building sources, money-saving tools, and more!

– Multiple Income Streams System: My simple 4-step system for building multiple income streams is laid out in an easy-to-follow manner in my new book:

“Internet Profits In Your PJs: 36 Secrets to Creating Multiple Income Streams…On Autopilot”

The paid sections of memberships include resources for:

– High-Ticket Profits students

– Passive Profits Course students

– Passive Profits Apprentices”


Go to Ultimate Mentor 101 to sign up for a free account.

Go to Ultimate Mentor 101 sales page.





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