Callen’s Lesson: How To Make $500,000 In 1 Year, Just Using AdSense!
Study Brad Callen’s lesson “How To Make $500,000 In 1 Year, Just Using AdSense!”.
Brad Callen’s lesson is reprinted here:
How To Make $500,000 In 1 Year, JUST Using AdSense!
So how the heck does one guy make $500,000 from AdSense in almost one year, just from building niche websites?
John Reese did it as a side business. He did it as part of his experiment with virtual real estate (or VRE, as he calls it).
Now I know what you’re thinking:
* You don’t have his knowledge
* You don’t have his experience
* You don’t have his resources
And, probably the poorest excuse I’ve ever heard in the Internet Marketing business:
* You don’t have that much time
(Seriously; you don’t have enough time (one year) to make $500,000?)
Well, that’s all about to change.
In this lesson I am going to lay it down, blow by blow, inch by inch, how to duplicate the process John Reese has been generous to share with us and how to create long-term, persistent income from Google AdSense (using niche content websites).
(If you have no idea what I’m talking about, go watch the video below by clicking here.)
Still with me? Ok, good. Let’s start with the basic pep-talk:
Develop a laser-like focus for what “works”
Get over the fact that John Reese is a genius. He’s not a genius in the sense that he has some super human IQ… He’s a genius because he knows what works and the key to his success is that he focuses his efforts on the most important pieces of the puzzle. That’s good news for us. This means that WE can do it to!
The most profitable pieces.
It’s not about experience or knowledge or resources or contacts. You don’t need to have a million bucks to make $10,000 a month on the Internet.
What you do need, though, is one simple thing: Focus.
You must focus on the most important step in any money-making idea.
An example will help explain this point better.
Suppose you have a plan to create an info product (perhaps inspired by my recent series of articles on the subject) and sell it online. Now what are the steps involved in such a project?
* Research markets to find a profitable niche (strong demand, customers willing to pay good money)
* Write the book
* Create your sales pitch that effectively converts “˜prospects’ into raving customers.
* Create an automated sales process
* Drive traffic to your website
Now what is the most important step in this process? It’s not writing the book. It’s not even creating an automated sales process.
Surprise surprise, it’s not even the research.
The most important step (ok, two steps) is to drive traffic to your website and to convert that traffic.
That’s the part of the process you should be focusing on. And yet most people when they get into the info product business tend to focus on issues that are not important, such as:
* What do I write about?
* How do I write it?
* How do I sell it?
This is not important. Advice on this is available on the Internet for free in all the major forums, and better yet, you can hire someone to do this for you quite cheaply (even if the book can cost you a lot, you can circumvent that cost in many different ways).
Now when you think about what John Reese did (convert an experimental side-business into over $500,000 in 12 months), what do you think he was focusing on?
* Writing the content and
* Creating the perfect design?
* Optimizing the website for maximum ad relevance and clicks and
* Driving traffic to his sites?
If you said option number 2, give yourself a pat on the back. You’ve finally cracked the code to making money online.
I cannot emphasize this enough ““ the 80/20 principle we hear so much about in economics and business is bandied about for a very good reason. 80 percent of your results will be achieved by concentrating on the most important 20 percent of the process.
The rest? You can’t ignore it, so either give it a lower priority or hire someone to do it for you.
What John Reese Did
If you’ve seen the video, you’ve already heard John explain the whole process. Here are the main points:
* Do market research to find a profitable topic
* Setup your website (domain name, hosting, design)
* Put content on your website (you can write this yourself, hire someone to write it for you, or buy private label rights to pre-written articles, reports and even books)
* Optimize your website for AdSense (ad placement, color coordination, ad tracking)
* Drive traffic to your website
And then repeat this for your next website. And the next. And the next… (And so on).
John wasn’t happy with just one website bringing him a couple of hundred dollars every month. He knew exactly what he needed to do in order to automate the time-consuming process of getting a website up and running. He also knew that the secret to VRE success was to build many different websites, all in small, profitable and not-so-competitive niches.
The lessons to take away from all this are:
* Learn how to “put together” websites as fast as possible.
* Remember that the real “profits” are in creating multiple niche VRE sites ““ and not just one big “love of your life” type of website.
Your Personal Blueprint For Creating VRE Sites
Let’s recap the process behind creating a VRE site:
* Do market research
* Setup your website
* Put content on your website
* Optimize your website for AdSense
* Drive traffic to your website
Now this is the exact same process that you can use to build dozens of VRE websites. And I would strongly urge you to play the numbers game here ““ having just one website will not earn you a lot of money. In fact, once you’ve invested enough time in one website to start generating traffic towards it, you are free to go and build a new website.
And then another one. And another one. Keep building these sites until you have a consistently increasing income from AdSense.
It is hard work to earn a million dollars (or even a thousand dollars) per month from one website alone. On the other hand, if you have 20 websites earning you $100 a month, that’s $2000/month in your pocket already. And with small improvements to each of those sites, you could easily double or triple your income from them.
This way, instead of putting all your eggs into one basket (or one website), you can diversify your income and earn money from multiple sources.
So how do you go about doing this?
Find A Profitable Topic
This one is easy if you know where to look. John Reese provides VRE ideas in his newsletter.
The first option is to focus on what you would call the “end of the buying cycle”. This refers to that part of the information gathering phase where people are making or are about to make their buying decisions. For example, you may look for information on learning golf for six months, but when it comes to crunch time and you want to buy those golf clubs, what are you going to be searching for? “How to learn golf” or “golf clubs”?
More importantly, advertisers know this. That’s why you would see much higher bids for search terms that are related to the end of the buying cycle. Focus on that end, and you will find some kiler product ideas.
The second option is to focus on something expensive. The theory is that any product or service that costs a lot will generally have advertisers that are willing to pay more money. That means higher AdWords bid amounts, and in turn, better earnings per click for you on your AdSense websites.
The third option is to find out what other people are doing to make money, and then copy that (but do it in a more focused or slightly differentiated manner so that you don’t end up having to fight for traffic with your competition all the time). One of the best resources for such knowledge are websites that sell AdSense keyword lists. While the topics are generally too broad for a small website to be successful in, you can easily use those ideas to create your own super-focused lists on subtopics using a keyword research tool. I can guarantee you won’t find a better Keyword Research tool than the one we’ve created recently…
And why not combine two steps into one, and look towards private label content for topic ideas? More on this later.
Setup The Site
You can get fairly cheap and effective hosting (with domains) from places like Siteground and Bluehost.
Your site doesn’t have to win design awards. Its main purpose is to present your content quickly to your readers, so that they get what they are looking for. No heavy graphics or top-heavy banners required ““ just a simple, classy design that puts the most important component of your website (content mixed with ads) in front of your visitors.
You can also secure free website templates from places like OSWD. There are also a lot of template websites on the internet from where you can get free templates or paid templates for less than $30.
If you’re working on a blog, all this becomes ridiculously easy ““ WordPress has a very large and vibrant online community and you can easily find lots of free themes. If you go down this road, your site “˜design’ costs can effectively be zero.
As far as site graphics are concerned, it all depends on your skills and resources. If you are not good at graphic design and you cannot afford to buy stock graphics / hire a graphic designer, then you can also skip the graphics for now and go with plain text. The key is to get your site up and going as fast as possible, because unless you get to the good part (driving traffic to your sites), how will you ever make any money?
<strong.Upload Content
You’ve got two options here ““ you can write the content yourself or get it from somewhere else. Do you want to run the hassle of writing 200 pages yourself? At 4 pages of 500 words each a day, it will take you 50 days (assuming you can write 4 pages in 2 hours).
On the other hand, you could hire someone to write the content for you. But even that approach has problems ““ you have to wait for your writers, and good content can sometimes cost quite a lot.
The solution to this problem is private label rights content. These are limited sets of themed pre-written high quality articles that you can purchase and use for your websites. In fact, with the best deals you also get themed site templates, headers, site graphics and even auto responder courses ““ stuff that makes the “˜content’ part of your business truly “˜Plug-n-Play’.
Here are a few things to consider when you are purchasing private label rights content:
* See how many articles are provided for each niche ““ the more the better. Most PLR membership sites I’ve seen give you 30-40 articles per topic, whereas the better sites can go as high as 50-60 articles.
* Do they provide free samples of the articles? You should be able to see what you’re buying. Same thing goes for any other offerings such as templates or graphics.
* Do they give you a list of a set of topics they provide articles on? This is probably one of the most important things for me, because not only can these topics give you pretty good ideas, they also tell you how good these people are at finding profitable niches.
Make sure to do your own research on the listed topics (using a tool like Keyword Elite) to find out how much advertisers are paying for them.
* Who writes the articles? Professional freelance writers or just some chump pulled off RentACoder to write articles at $2 a pop? If it’s not specifically mentioned (and especially if you can’t see sample articles to judge quality for yourself), I would usually think that the articles are not well-written.
* Who’s behind the site? Does this person have a track record for Internet success? Are they working on their own VRE sites?
* Do they offer anything else in the site? Is it just articles or do they offer help material to use those articles (something like the AdSense Supremacy bonus that was given to the first batch of Keyword Elite customers), or a software to rewrite the articles?
Are they giving you tools to get the job done, or are they just offering articles?
* How many people will have membership? PLR membership sites cannot be a free-for-all, otherwise the usefulness of the niche articles will be lost. The lower the cap, the better.
One of the best resources on private label rights that I have found is Private Label Monthly. Make sure you check them out.
Optimize Your Site for AdSense
Get a hold of Joel Comm’s AdSense Secrets and read it cover to cover. Available for $97 (as I write this) and updated recently with his latest tactics and strategies), you will learn most of what you need to know about AdSense optimization from this book.
If you cannot afford the book (or true to the “speed” spirit, you don’t have the time), do this instead:
Head over to ProBlogger and read everything Darren Rowse has to say about AdSense. This shouldn’t take you more than one evening (especially if you already have an idea of what AdSense is and can skip the kid stuff).
Next, for added benefit, go to Performancing and search their archives for AdSense optimization tips. Once again, very good information and resources
Other websites on this topic are JenSense and GrayWolf, as well as the top SEO forums such as the WebmasterWorld and SearchEngineWatch Forums.
When it comes to AdSense optimization, you simply have to make sure that you get this part right. That doesn’t mean that you spend all your days tweaking your ads ““ but it does mean that you have to go to the best in the business (the money-making business, that is).
A few basic guidelines for AdSense optimization:
* Use colors that blend in with the colors of your website/blog theme.
* Put ads inside your content (as opposed to away from your page’s main text, off in the sidebar or something).
* Use rectangles instead of large sidebars and leaderboards. If you want to know why, read up on the websites and the book I mentioned above. Otherwise, just trust me :-).
* Write focused articles around one or two keywords.
* Choose a profitable topic (quick tip: use Keyword Elite to help you pick out the really profitable, low-competition niches for your VRE sites).
* Track everything ““ get AdSense Gold or some similar script that helps you track all your AdSense clicks. This tracking will help you discover which keywords generate the best clicks, as well as detailed information on which formats work best.
(I don’t have enough space to go into why ad tracking is so important, but almost everyone I know who is making serious AdSense money swears by their tracking scripts. They are indispensable to your AdSense success.)
For a quick example of these tips scroll to the top of this page and see how I’ve place my AdSense box ““ and that can be improved. Can you see how?
And if there was just one tip I could give to you on AdSense, it would be to:
* Copy the masters.
* You can do a lot worse than following what the AdSense experts are doing with their websites.
Drive Traffic to your website
This is what you should be spending most of your time on. Traffic will be the lifeblood of your VRE empire.
Two most important things to watch in your traffic stats:
* Search engine referrals and
* Page views
Search engine traffic is the best kind of traffic for AdSense income. These are people are come to your website and are in the “information-gathering” mode (whether it is information on where to buy a Proform treadmill or how to set up a shopping cart on their website).
These people are far more likely to click on your ads than your regular readers. Regular readers of any website (that shows adverts) tend to suffer from ad-blindness ““ their minds subconsciously begin to filter out any visual information they don’t need, and almost inevitably ads get blocked out.
(It’s kind of the same way how we deal with advertising in today’s world ““ what happens to us when there’s way too much information? Our minds automatically help us focus on what’s important, and the rest fades away).
You don’t want your AdSense to fade away in the minds of your visitors. That is why it is crucial that you build your search engine rankings.
This is the main reason why you use “low-competition” niches ““ so that it is easier to get ranked for your target keywords.
If you’re a regular reader of this newsletter you wouldn’t need much more advice on building traffic (although I’m planning on doing a mini-series of articles on that topic in the near future), but if in doubt you can always go through the newsletter archives (you get a list of past lessons in every “newsletter alert” mail you get from me).
(If this is the first time you are reading one of my lessons, though, I would strongly suggest that you sign up for my free SEO course through this link)
You can use your search engine referrals to tell you what keywords are bringing in the most traffic, and further optimize your website for that.
Another thing to watch out for is page views. Each page view (in other words, each time someone loads one of your website’s pages) represents an opportunity for a click on your AdSense ads. As such, you have to ensure that your website encourages page views. This will keep search engine visitors on your website for a longer period of time, and it will definitely lead to more clicks.
Time For Action
I’m repeating this again because I really want you guys to get this point loud and clear ““ you have to make sure that you focus maximum attention to those steps in the process that make you the most money. Find out what works, find out what is most important about that process and then implement the hell out of it.
The good thing is, I’ve already given you the process (“˜what works’) and a strategy for focusing on the most important steps (the ones that will end up making you money). The only thing left, the missing ingredient, is you.
Carpe Diem. Take action, now.
All the best,
Brad Callen
Professional SEO
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Brad Callen for granting permission to reprint this lesson.
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