Joe Vitale’s latest blog post is titled “Inside News Behind the Movie “The Secret”, or, Why I’m Not Running for Political Office”.

Joe Vitale’s latest blog post is titled “Inside News Behind the Movie “The Secret”, or, Why I’m Not Running for Political Office”.

Vitale says, “Last night I held a “secret” showing of the movie The Secret.

The movie isn’t really a secret, of course, as by now most of the online planet has heard the buzz about this amazing film.

I’m in the movie, along with a long list of great teachers and friends, from Esther Hicks to Mike Dooley to Bob Proctor to Jack Canfield to John Assaraf to Bill Harris to — well, you get the idea.

I held a Q&A after last night’s showing”. [source]


Go to Mr. Fire Blog to read the complete post.





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