Derek Gehl has announced that he has decided to open up seven more seats for his ‘eBay Profit Program’. The offer ends on Friday, June 23 at 4.00 pm. According to Gehl, seven selected participants will get help, advice, and business ideas from a team of eBay and Internet marketing specialists for six months.

Derek Gehl has announced that he has decided to open up seven more seats for his ‘eBay Profit Program’.

The offer ends on Friday, June 23 at 4.00 pm.

According to Gehl, seven selected participants will get help, advice, and business ideas from a team of eBay and Internet marketing specialists for six months.

Gehl says, “..due to popular demand, my team and I have made a big decision — we’re canceling three of my personal projects for the next 6 months — so that we can open 7 more seats…

This means that just 7 more people will have the opportunity to claim their share of the $86,000,000 spent on eBay every single day — using UNLIMITED help, advice, and business ideas from my *genius* team of eBay and Internet marketing specialists!”

[email with the subject: …, here’s my $20 Million secret advantage]

Sales Letter

eBay Profit Program sales letter title is:

Did you know 2 Million shoppers spend over $86,000,000 on eBay® — every single day? In my books, that’s a great way to make a TON of money!

That’s why I’m currently seeking 21 people (UPDATE – Only 7 seats left!) who are willing to take action and…

“Apply below for the opportunity to start a wildly lucrative eBay® business — using my AMAZING $20 Million secret advantage…

… And if YOU are 1 of the lucky 21 people chosen, I’ll give you unlimited access to my *genius* team of world-class eBay® marketing and Internet strategy experts — for 6 full months!”

WARNING: Deadline for application has been extended until Friday (June 23rd) at 4 p.m… no exceptions!”

Features and Benefits

The sales letter has listed the lessons of eBay Profit Program.

– “Strategic Planning Session #1: “Learn how to make your FIRST profit on eBay® in the next 72 hours!”

– Strategic Planning Session #2: “Learn to predict (with spooky accuracy) which products will be HOT SELLERS on eBay®…

– Strategic Planning Session #3: “Learn where to find unlimited supplies of POPULAR products that you can buy for CHEAP…

– Strategic Planning Session #4: “Tricks for grabbing eyeballs of qualified buyers who start bidding WARS for your items…

– Strategic Planning Session #5: “Copywriting secrets for eBay® ONLY… … We’ll show you to CREATE magic advertising that opens the wallets of eager bidders!”

– Strategic Planning Session #6: “How to easily WIN over first-time buyers with a *glowing* feedback rating…

– Strategic Planning Session #7: “Learn how to accept payment from buyers and easily ship your products (globally!)…

– Strategic Planning Sessions #8 thru #12: “Use highly advanced (yet amazingly simple)
strategies to start a REAL eBay® business…”

Gehl says, “After each session, your mentor will bring your questions and problems to our group of experts … And together we’ll brainstorm solutions and ideas specifically for YOUR business!

Obviously, it’s not practical for me to work one-on-one with 21 people (UPDATE: Only 7 seats left!), so your personal business mentor will be your point of contact.

But as well as having your own personal expert, you get the added benefit of ALL of our eBay® experts combined…”

Requirements For Participants

Gehl says to be selected for the program participants have to meet five requirements.

– Requirement #1… You learn by DOING!

– Requirement #2… You want personal help!

– Requirement #3… You like to set GOALS!

– Requirement #4… You will take action!

– CRITICAL Requirement #5: “You must prove to me that you’re NOT a lazy freeloader!”

Free Gift

Those who fill in the application form for eBay Profit Program get a free gift.

Gehl says, “if you fill out this application form in the next 5 minutes, I will send you a FREE GIFT: … You’ll get instant access to a 63-minute audio interview I recently did with eBay® genius, Brandon Dupsky, talking about how he generated over $20,000,000 in sales on eBay®!”

Application Form

eBay Profit Program application form has the following questions. All the questions except question nine and ten have multiple-choice answers. Applicants can choose one of the options given. For questions nine and ten they have to type in the answers.

1. Are you interested in having someone like Derek Gehl — somone who has ALREADY made millions on the Internet — working with you to help create your OWN wealth and success with eBay®?

2. Are you a committed and driven person who will see challenges through to the end and not easily give up on your dreams?

3. Are you willing to commit at least 5 hours per week to learning and growing your eBay® business?

4. Will you DO the assignments we give you to build YOUR successful eBay® business?

5. When you have reached your goals and created wealth using eBay®, can we use your Success Story to inspire others?

6. Are you willing to take calculated risks in order to achieve success?

7. Which of the following BEST describes your current situation:

8. How much money (approximately) have you put aside, at this time, to begin building a business:

9. In 500 words or less, please explain why we should select you to become a member of our elite “Advanced Mentoring Team.” (This is an open ended question – applicants have to write the answer.)

10. YOUR PERSONAL VISION: Please use the space below to tell us how your life will change if we agree to help you:

* What are your financial goals for the next 5 years?
* What are your personal goals?
* Where will you buy your “dream home”?
* What “dream vacations” will you take?
* How will you give back to your family and community? (This is an open ended question – applicants have to write the answer.)

11. When is the best time to contact you by telephone?


Go to eBay Profit Program sales letter.





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