Read Cody Moya’s article titled “Tagging and the Power of Technorati”.

Cody Moya’s article is reprinted here.


Tagging and the Power of Technorati

As internet marketers begin to explore the world of tagging and social networking sites, they will no doubt run across the name Technorati. Technorati is basically a personalized world where users are able to read their favorite blogs. In essence, Technorati allows users to get connected with the blogs they like the best.

Technorati is currently tracking nearly 40 million web sites and nearly 7 million tags (keywords). Technorati can be thought of as a search engine designed to search blogs. In order to take advantage of this powerful tool, it is helpful to understand just how the site works.

First, bloggers add tags to their posts. This helps to categorize the posts properly. All posts with the same tag are grouped together on a tag page, and then Technorati pulls the information in from other tagged sources, resulting in a display of many different kinds of content, including images, posts, links, etc., all grouped together by the relevant tag. For the internet marketer this powerful blog search engine represents an incredible opportunity, and a great way to reach a highly specialized and highly targeted audience.

And best of all Technorati is popular with users, and lots of fun to use. Technorati is able to pull in images, links and posts, all in one ingenious and easy to use format. All of this disparate information is then organized on a single page related to the topic of the search. It is easy to see why this tool has become so popular and so powerful.

Like many of the newest technology, Technorati provides users with a way to easily browse through included content, rather than search for it as the search engines do. This provides users with an opportunity to encounter content they may otherwise have missed, and it is one of the reasons these sites are gaining in popularity. As the relevance of search engines begins to diminish, and as the results they provide get less and less valuable, sites like Technorati are likely to gain in popularity even more, and those who understand how to use such sites will have an important advantage in the ever changing marketplace of the internet.


Cody Moya writes about “Tag and Ping Traffic Secrets” in his Free Courses on Internet Marketing. You can sign up for his free Courses and get additional information at his website:


*Imnewswatch would like to thank Cody Moya for granting permission to reprint this article.





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