Quentin Brown and Carey Archer of MSI Foundation have announced that they are going to train ten young adults from orphanages in Internet Marketing. The training program will include web design, audio and video production, graphics and product creation, according to Brown.

Quentin Brown and Carey Archer of MSI Foundation have announced that they are going to train ten young adults from orphanages in Internet Marketing.

The training program will include web design, audio and video production, graphics and product creation, according to Brown.

MSI Foundation

MSI Foundations’ invitation to partners: “Exclusive Invitation for 120 Partners Join with us as we expand our successful Internet Business and create a new Marketing company, with 10 professionally trained staff, that will churn out 100’s of new products and services. A Philanthropic Internet Marketing Partnership Program”.


“Here is a basic rundown of our timetable.

– July/August- Travel to Pattaya to set up company with the Lawyer and do research for housing etc.

– August 6th – release of 120 memberships and exclusive offers.

– September – Finalize housing and recruit the young adults. Start training.

– October/November – Finalize training and start bringing in professionals for specialist training.

– December/January – Finish initial set of products and release.

– 2007 – Continue the process and add ebay products, ebooks, software and much more”.

Membership Benefits

Additional Benefits for the 120 Exclusive Members.

“Because you will be involved with establishing MSI Foundation we want to offer you some great benefits.

– Exclusive invitations to attend some of our training sessions or DVD if you cannot attend.

– A monthly DVD starting in 2007 delving into different Internet Marketing strategies. Value $67.00 a month

– Use of our facilities that will include a complete audio and video studio and editing suite (at a speaial rate).

– All of our current and future products – Click here to see our list.

– Access to our highly trained staff to help you build great websites, products etc.

– Exclusive invitations to a number of specialist conferences we will be holding.

– Exclusive invitation to our product creation seminars on line ( Brainstorming)

– A Fortnightly online conference – where you can interact and ask question about your business.

– Access to our weekly staff meetings where available (Value imeasureable.)


The fee for membership is: $2100

Press Release

Quentin Brown and Carey Archer say in the press release, “We have been approached by some orphanages in Thailand to set up some training strategies for their young adults to learn the processes of Internet Marketing.

After a recent meeting between Carey, Quentin and the orphanage directors it was decided to set up a permanent facility in Thailand where these young people can not only be trained in Internet Marketing but also work in an operating environment. This will generate over 500 hours of work which will result in a huge number of new products and services being released in early 2007.

MSIncome, our current business, has been producing quality products for around 7 years and now our new division, The MSI Foundation, will take 10 young adults from select orphanages and teach them all the skills and strategies that we have learnt over the past 8 years. We will train them in web design, audio and video production, graphics, product creation and so much more which can then be distributed to a global market place. The MSI Foundation is a synergy of both care and training in a business format.

This new concept in online marketing will provide these young adults the skills and abilities to help them become the new entrepreneurs of the future.

It was also decided that the foundation will make an exclusive offer to 120 people who can partner with them and benefit from this new concept and Joint Venture with a number of the products and services created by this group.

MSI Foundation will also be looking for experts in their field to come to Thailand to help train these young adults. We have already had offers from people in the filed of movie making, adsense sites, product developers and graphic artists.

We will be videoing all the training sessions which will produce a huge range of new products to help Internet Marketers get a fully interactive experience.

Rich Schefren, in his recent Manifesto pdf, set a new standard for Internet Marketers to follow and the MSI Foundation intends to embrace it completely with the addition care and support to some deserving young adults. Hopefully we can create a model for others to follow. [PR Submitted to IMNewswatch]


Go to MSI Foundation for more information.

*This news post contains information submitted by Quentin Brown.





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