James Grandstaff answers some of the questions he has received about ‘Downline Secrets Coaching’ in his latest ‘Downline Secrets’ Blog post titled “Some Coaching Q & A”.

James Grandstaff answers some of the questions he has received about ‘Downline Secrets Coaching’ in his latest ‘Downline Secrets’ Blog post titled “Some Coaching Q & A”.

Grandstaff says, “Some people have emailed me and asked a few questions about the coaching.

Below are some of the more common ones that really help answer some concerns:

Q: What will my recruiting system look like?

A: You can see your “default” site here:


(you should change the look and feel so it’s unique to you.)”.

Q: What else is included with the coaching?

A: You will gain access to a call I recorded with a private client. We talk in great detail about the overall concept of a system like this and several advanced strategies that help add multiple
streams of income.

A: You will also have personal access to me via email to help strategize what will work best for you regarding your goals.

A: I will also install a forum on your server. This will serve as the “Training Portal” for your team members.

Look at my: http://DownlineSecrets.com/coaching forum to get an idea of how to train your members.

A: Of course, you will also have access to the “Software Download Area” in your Downline Secrets back office. You will find swipe files and training videos on how to use the software.

A: Plus, some other great bonuses”. [http://iBuzzIncome.ws/team]

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