Aurelius Tjin has released ‘Unstoppable Marketing’ video newsletter article. Read Tjin’s latest article titled “7 Unstoppable Ways To Build A List Of At Least 1,000 In Less Than 30 Days”.

Aurelius Tjin’s latest article is reprinted here.


7 Unstoppable Ways To Build A List Of At
Least 1,000 In Less Than 30 Days

So you want to build a list? 


Not just a “list”, but an ultra-responsive, unstoppable
list?  Who wouldn’t want that?


In this report, I’ll share with you my best list-building
strategies that’s attracted more than 15,677 subscribers to my opt-in


Submit Your Article(s) to Article


I call this the “lean-mean-viral-machine”

Simply write up or hire a ghostwriter to write for you and submit it to
as many article directories you can find.


The trick is to use the “Resource box”.  It’s a
space where you’re meant to put information about the author – that’s


Combine a useful article with a powerful resource box
and you’ll get a lot of “action takers”.  The resource box MUST
contain a link to lead to a page where your optin box is.


The great characteristic about articles, is that
they’re free to use as long as the resource box is left intact.


The magic begins when people begin to use it
on their site for content.  Other article directories will
eventually grab articles from bigger article directories as well. 
Soon you’ll find that your articles are distributed amongst many, many
sites and you’ll get web crawlers crawling your article, which in turn
will appear in search engines.

Here are some high-traffic article directories I’d recommend you


You can write your own articles, even if you haven’t
written anything before, by grabbing your copy of Jim Edwards’ ““ Turn
Words Into Traffic.


Click here to get your copy now.


Place Your Optin Box To As Many Of Your Pages As You


People make the mistake of just placing their
subscription box in ONE location.

The fact is, not everyone lands on your main
homepage.  Some might end up in your “photo gallery” page. 


You want to capture as many of those visitors as
possible.  Because once they’re gone, it’s likely that they won’t
return unless you have something that makes them come back.


A simple “pop-up” box generates me over 20
subscribers a day at least.  You can check out exactly how I
implement this on my page:

Back-End List Building


If you’ve ever purchased a product from me from
places  like, you’ll be offered a “FREE Lifetime
Subscription” to my

Unstoppable Marketing Video Newsletter


Customers are always the number one action


You see, while they’re in that state where they’re
taking action, you need to take advantage of it as much as you


You can also offer an “upsell” or “one time
offer”.  But let’s stick to the subject of list building


You simply put the exact same newsletter information
you have on your main newsletter/ezine site and paste it into the
“Download page”. 


Those buyers have that habit of clicking on the
“download here” link or button, so the conversion of them opting into
your newsletter is VERY HIGH.  You can get as much as 80 to even
100% of the customers to optin.


The results?  You get a HYPER-RESPONSIVE


Why?  Do I really need to explain?


Well for those who still don’t realise this powerful
list-building strategy, here’s why:

Those “customers” have already proved that they’re “customers” because
they purchased something from you, obviously.


Now, when they optin to your list and you make an
offer one day to that list, there’s a high chance you’ll get that
customer to purchase again.  That’s IF they were satisfied with the
previous product they bought from you.


Viral List Building


This is one my favourite list-building


The word “Viral” is already self-explainatory. 
It’s simply a “virus” that goes from one person after the other (not a
computer virus).


You could pass-along a “free” report to your
contacts, which has YOUR name and website included somewhere within the
report.  If you’ve given enough solid content in that free report,
there’s a high chance the end-user will pass it along to their contacts
as well.


A variation is to offer something free on the
front-end and offer a “one time offer” after they signup.


You’ll make money when people buy your one time offer


Let those subscribers promote your free site with
their affiliate link so then your subscribers will get commission for
referring others who purchase the one time offer deal.


Very, very powerful technique. 


Signature Files

No, not your autograph or handwriting



A signature in marketing terms is basically an area
after your “Regards, John Smith”.  It’s where you place information
about your website, your newsletter or a download.


Here’s one that I use:


Here for your success,

Aurelius Tjin


Grab my Unstoppable Marketing Newsletter featuring

step-by-step video tutorials and insider tips & tricks

help you grow & profit one powerful step at a time.


That’s for an email signature.  Each time you
reply to someone, you use that mechanism so they’ll optin to your


Another powerful way to use signature files is by
posting to active forums.


Look for “hot topics”.  Topics that have many
readers and replies.


Use the same signature as your email signature or
tailor it to meet the target market,


Simply post your feedback or advice and you’ll get
your signature appearing under your reply.  Just make sure you have
“signature enabled” when you post.


You’ll INSTANTLY get your website (where your optin
form is) appearing to a highly targeted audience.


To find some great forums to join, simply go to or whatever search engine you use, and search for the terms
“xyz forum” (where xyz=your market).


You’ll get a list of forums you can immediately
market to.  Just be aware of the “forum rules”.


Ezine Ad Swaps


This technique is a win/win situation.


You post your small classified ad on another
newsletter  and that newsletter owner can post their ad on your


You’re both getting new subscribers for free. 
Just as long as you both are in the same market.




Last but not least, eCourses.


Start a free ecourse your subscribers will receive
when they optin to your list.


The topic must be related to your market.


It is suggested that you do, at least, a 5-day
ecourse to followup on your subscribers.  7-days is optimal
according to many studies


For a 5-day eCourse a basic ecourse will consist of:


Day 1 could be a small
introduction to what they’ll learn in the coming days.

Day 2 could teach the person
the fundamentals.

Day 3 could be ways to do
such and such

Day 4 could be implementing
the strategies

Day 5 could be a wrap up and
a soft offer.


Your main goal is to build trust with the new
subscriber.  Once you’ve established that, then they’ll begin to
respond to whatever email you send them out in the future.


Your eCourse must have/be:

  • Useful content

  • Immediately usable content

  • Educational

  • Sales-pitch & hype-free

  • Short & punchy (to the point)

  • Passion ““ write with personality

  • Interesting ““ tell stories so they can relate to


So let’s wrap it up.  Here’s your action


  1. Submit Your Article(s) to Article Directories

  2. Place Your Optin Box To As Many Of Your Pages As You

  3. Utilize Back-End List Building

  4. Use Viral List Building – Powerful technique

  5. Use Signature Files

  6. Do Ezine Ad Swaps

  7. Start your own eCourse


If you are already using one or more of these techniques I’m sure you’ll agree
with me that they are an effective way to build only 100% optin leads.


I’m telling you, if you use at least ONE of these strategies alone, you’ll see
a significant increase in your optins.


I’ve used just 3 of these 7 ways to build a list 15,677. 


Use ALL of these 7 ways to build your list and you WILL build a list of at
least 1,000 subscribers in less than 30 days.

Aurelius Tjin is owner and publisher of the ‘Unstoppable Marketing’ weekly video newsletter.  You will discover simple tips, tricks & techniques that’ll dramatically make a difference to you and your Internet marketing business.  To find out more go to and you’ll get the latest video newsletter issue right away…

Go to UnStoppable Marketing Video Newsletter to download a brandable free report.

*IMNewswatch would like to thank Aurelius Tjin for granting exclusive permission to reprint this latest article.





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