Read John Delavera’s article titled “Ah… Those rambling thoughts again… I cannot help it”.

John Delavera’s article is reprinted here.


Ah… Those rambling thoughts again… I cannot help it

…. that mood…

The “I-want-to-talk-with-you” mood… It’s here again…

That need that cannot be controlled… that makes the fingers dancing in the keyboard, generating a text which sometimes I cannot figure out how it came out…

It’s here again.

The reason?

I am not sure.

In most of the cases frustration; that is.

I am frustrated by what I see online. By the dangers encountered online.

Today there are many.

I can focus on three:

100,000+ USD PER DAY! Really? That’s Amazing!

Sites that tell you how to repeat a success of 100,000+ USD per day.

That frustrates me. A lot.

Can you imagine a world where EVERYBODY can generate 100,000+ USD per day? What a wonderful word would that be eh?

So what is the real point with those sites? Are they good or evil? Should you trust them or not? Should you buy their “magic wand” or not?

The decision is yours and I really do not want to interfere with it, but I do want to tell you what I think about it.

All I can say is: BRAVO.

A big “CONGRATULATIONS” to those that managed to generate 100,000+ USD per day.

That’s all. And I move on.

I do not allow those promises to change my path. And I keep walking on it.

Shouldn’t I want to generate that success for myself? Shouldn’t I want to generate 100,000 USD per day?

Oh yes.

But this is what EVERYBODY wants. And here lies the success of those products: They prove the success for something “wanted by all.”

If you create a product that touches the mass that way then yes, you have a best seller.

If you prove that you created a system that can allow EVERYBODY to win the Lotto EVERYDAY then, yes, you have created your Golden Goose.

Once again, BRAVO.

Question is: Will you repeat that success? Can you?

Ask yourself about it.

My answer is “Yes you can” IF… and there are many IFs here.

If you can create sites that sell. If you can create automated sites. If you can invest to the solutions needed. If you can win the SEO game. If you have powerful friends (JVs) to support your sites. If you can move in the online world easily and manage to maintain a site that needs people working FOR you located anywhere in the world.

Yes you can.

BUT again…

If you can do all the above, then you are successful ALREADY… In this case, yes, you need to open your horizon further and yes, invest to “systems” that promise “100,000” USD per day.

As for me, I shall keep working on my plan.

I prefer to repeat my small successes the way I know and seal my results with the “long term guarantee.”

I prefer to apply my plan and work for my “100,000 USD per month” plan. And when I manage to reach that goal, then repeat my small successes again and work for the next “125,000 USD per month” plan, and so on.

However, if you are ready to apply a system that will bring you 100,000+ USD per DAY then dear , can I be your mentoree once you do generate 100,000+ USD per day?

I’ll be here. Waiting for you. To teach me.


…100,000 subscribers in 7 days… …250,000 subscribers in 1 month… …157,000 USD of sales in less than 24 hours… …1,000,000 USD of sales in 1 month or less.

Once again: BRAVO. I am thrilled. Congratulations.

But I keep walking on my “long term guarantee” plan.

Not for me. Sorry.

Can you imagine a world where EVERYBODY could generate the same results?


But it would be a wonderful world indeed.

Don’t those number appeal to the mass? Oh yes they do.

And this is the reason they sell so good. They sell something everybody wants.

Hope, that is.

Speaking about the tools offered for reaching the goals.


Well.. now you touched something that hurts me…

I won’t answer because I’ll be bad.. And I do not like enemies.

But I’ll put it this way:

You can shot a bird with a javelin if you want/can. You do not need a laser gun. If the javelin breaks well.. no problem. You get another one. And it’s easy to make a javelin to work better for you. Laser guns are quite difficult to be used. Although laser guns are effective… either with a bird or a tank.

What I DO KNOW for sure is that businesses that prosper, businesses that generate or are able to generate “100,000 USD per month recurring income” do not use javelin-type of tools. They do not use MANY tools anyway. They either create THEIR tools OR pick the Best – and stick with it. In most of the cases a laser gun that can do all the jobs: small and big ones.

I am feeling that my examples are not clear enough.

But one who knows, knows.


I can understand them. But I cannot agree with them.

For me, there is no reason to quit of something. It’s better not to deal with it at all.

Why do you need to waste your time and energy for quitting after some months? Do not deal with it at all.

Worst scenario: To quit some steps before the changes in your life come… some days before the magic life comes.

I have decided to offer a PURPOSE to everything I do online. And I do it.

No matter if something looks simple or difficult. There is a purpose behind.

If something is simple, then it needs to be that way. If not, then again, this is the way to be.

Can you imagine a world where EVERYBODY can do this and that and then this and then that and reach FREEDOM in 4 steps???

Oh yes… that would be an amazing world.

So… for things that may seem “COMPLICATED…” remember this:

I am either your Crazy Prophet or your Dark Angel… Or I am just your man.

You choose what I am.

Do I want you to suffer through complexities? Normally no. But if the answer is yes, then there should be a reason for this. And this is related to your own good. Not mine, because you see… people come and go. If you quit, another one will come and thank me for the clarity of my system. Can you see the point here?

In fact, you’d LOVE complexities.

The creator is indeed your Crazy Prophet, or your Dark Angel… or just the man you need. Why on Earth someone would NOT simplify things??

Only because there are times things cannot be simplified.

Remember the desired degree in school or College or University? How many times did you feel frustrated? How many times you’d like to quit?

Me? Many times.

But eventually you did not fly. You decided to fight instead. And this had a considerable effect to your brain.. right? It changed it.

Don’t you agree that University does not teach us how to become professionals? Don’t you agree that they instead TEACH us how to THINK as the professionals we want to be?

You see…

The correct thinking is the desirable target.

Everything else is a matter of time, knowledge and the tools you use.

And yes dear …

Your brain is my target. I want to influence the way you THINK. And show you what to do then. Not vice versa.

Quitters come and go.

By the way, can you tell me what’s the opposite word for a “Quitter?” It depends on the situation, right?

For example, in affairs it could be: Lover – Husband. A lover is good for some nights. But lovers often quit love. Your husband is for life. Because he never quits. Don’t you agree that you cannot become the perfect husband or wife if you do not CHANGE your thinking a bit?

It’s quite the same in business. Quitters and Success’ holders. The first quit. The second ones keep going but after they have altered their mentality according to the needs of the business.

Overall: Can you imagine a world of millionaires? I cannot.

And even if there would be a course in Universities, say “Millionaireship…” What would that course teach to those students? The NEEDED MENTALITY of course. Would those students become millionaires upon graduation? Of course not. Would ALL students become millionaires? Of course not. Are ALL lawyers good. Of course not. Are all doctors successful. Nope.

So as you can see, it’s not my complex system your real trouble. Because believe it or not, I have worked with it and this is how it would be.

Think deeper. Look inside yourself instead and try to understand why don’t you find a solution when some others do?

That’s it for today…

Please believe me: When I woke up this morning I had NOT planned to send you an email like this one.

It just happened. As it always happens with me – thanks God for this; although some people hate my rambling thoughts.

Thanks for reading. If you reached these lines then what can I say?…

Thanks for being there. I need you being there.

Added by permission.
Copyright (C) John Delavera
TurboZine Newsletter

*IMNewswatch would like to thank John Delavera for granting permission to reprint the latest article.





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