Eva Browne-Paterson has released October 10 issue of ‘EvieB’s New-Z’. This week’s featured article is titled ‘Prospects Are People Too….’ .

Eva Browne-Paterson has released October 10 issue of ‘EvieB’s New-Z’.


The contents of the Newsletter are:

– Editor’s Blurb: The Countdown Begins…

– Best Bargains: New $7 Specials & Ezines-R-Us October Specials

– Free Marketing Resources: Desktop Lightning + AdSense Traffic Guide

– Marketing Article: Prospects Are People Too…

– Contest Draw: Who Won Today?

– Free Ad Placement Guidelines: Get the New Ad Code

– Free Marketing Tool Download: Powerful Offline Marketing


The article titled ‘Prospects Are People Too….’ by C.J. Hayden begins with:

“You’d be surprised how often my clients and students ask me to help them find a surefire sales letter or phone script they can copy to use for their own selling. Or maybe you wouldn’t. Perhaps you, too, have been misled into thinking that there is such a thing.

It’s tempting to believe that there really is a magic sequence of words that will make people buy from you every time. If something like that did exist, it would make selling so easy. You could just call someone up and read your script, or even better, just send the person an email, and presto — you’d have a new client.”

[email with subject: …Prospects Are People Too…]

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