‘Free Reports, Contest And More’ – IMNewswatch Newsletter
Read Mike Mograbi’s latest issue of IMNewswatch newsletter. [Download Free Reports]
Mike Mograbi’s latest issue of IMNewswatch Newsletter is reprinted here.
Free Reports, Contest And More…
1. I pray you and your loved ones are in great health.
I know, I know. If you just want to get the free reports, check point 5.
If you want to participate in the contest, check point 9.
2. The number of IMNewswatch unique visitors just seems to go up and up.
In the last 3 to 4 days it’s gone up by 30%. This is surprising. Why?
Because I’m not promoting the site at all. Zero promotion.
What’s the secret?
I really don’t know the reason for this sudden increase, but I know why it’s increasing in general:
Up-to-date, high-quality, in-demand content.
Such content activates viral marketing on its own and gets you all the traffic you want!
I keep coming across blog posts, forum posts, websites talking about IMNewswatch.com.
Lesson: Start focusing on building quality sites!
3. Will you come up with the next big thing? Big as in $1.65 billion.
Google is going to acquire Youtube.com for $1.65 billion. You should already know this from IMNewswatch.com, which covered this news as soon as it was out:
sidebar note: I hope you’re not being selective in reading IMNewswatch.com
IMNewswatch.com team is sweating to cover all the news that is important and beneficial for you to know at both macro and micro-levels.
Invest 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes at noon and 10 minutes in the evening to read through the titles and descriptions.
You never know how any piece of news or information could help you come up with the next big thing.
So, back to the next big thing:
You may/may not be able to come up with the next $1.65 billion thing.
But I know you can come up with YOUR next big thing and sell it for 6 or 7 figures.
How? I describe the best way in 11 issues of my newsletter. you can sign up here:
www.internet-marketing-predictions.com (1/4 way down the page).
I’ve been following this way to generate six figures in sales. … and I’m just getting started. It works and will always work.
4. I have been doing very well online and offline. Things have just been getting better and better (except for a little drop during summer for reasons totally beyond my control).
So, I decided to get into stock trading; Dubai Financial Market, which in last few years had been boooooming.
I invested money, hoping to make a ton of $.
Analysts were saying the bubble is about to burst but I was only willing to hear the word “bull/bullish”. No bears. No crocodiles. No shark infested waters.
To cut a long story short, greed for a slice of this pie/cake cost me money.
The market came crashing down and I and many others lost our $. It was catastrophic.
Lesson: Just stick to what you’re good at and invest in it! Diversify but not to the level of dilution. And don’t get greedy!
In today’s highly challenging world, you need to master a subject to succeed in it, and let’s be practical, you cannot master many subjects.
5. To succeed online you need to think positively and to follow the scientific steps of success and achivement.
I advise you to read these two free reports. They’ll do you a lot of good:
6. I’m (still) working on something that will help many of you (finally) succeed online in 2007. Stay tuned.
7. We have implemented a new search capability for IMNewswatch.com
You can try it out via the home page for now, www.imnewswatch.com
It’s much faster than the old one.
Note: This is only accessible via the home/index page.
8. We’re adding many awesome new features to IMNewswatch.com and growing it beyond anyone’s imagination. Bookmark it or set it as your home page.
Remember, you can search the web through the search box at the top: Google, Yahoo, etc.
9. Contest: There Will be Three winners.
How would you like to win a free copy of:
To read what you need to do and participate Go here:
10. I would like to thank all of those who have emailed me telling me how much traffic IMNewswatch.com generated for their websites, helped them create new joint ventures, kept them up-to-date 7 days a week.
I’m going to create a new page just for these real, benefit-oriented testimonials.
Example 1:
“It was [Internet Marketing Expert Name]. He read about my work in your I.M.Newswatch and wanted to order my MPR.” “… He gave me that call the other night after reading about me in I.M.Newswatch…” Bob Chambers The Multimedia Guy.
Example 2:
“I’ve had YYY uniques from your site, so it looks like you have a LOT of traffic :)” Sam Stephens of DLGuard.com
Example 3:
“I just wanted to say thank you for your wonderful service. I’ve anounced two new products here at imnewswatch and have been thrilled with the response I’ve seen. I visit the site several times a day and have become a big fan. Thanks for the great job.” Bill McRea
Example 4:
“Hi Mike,
Thanks so much for your help, the visitors are coming in non stop since.” Jeffrey Tang
Wishing you all the best.
Mike M.
*IMNewswatch team would like to thank Mike Mograbi, IMNewswatch Founder, for granting permission to reprint the latest newsletter.
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