‘All Templates are Subject to the ‘Quality Control’ Filters’ – Campbell’s Blog Post
Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Markeitng Secrets’ blog post is titled “All Templates are Subject to the “Quality Control” Filters”.
Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Markeitng Secrets’ blog post is titled “All Templates are Subject to the “Quality Control” Filters”.
All Templates are Subject to the “Quality Control” Filters
Michael Campbell answers a question he has received from one of his newsletter subscribers, in his latest blog post.
Question: Michael, thanks for the information on modifying templates. My question is, what about “Brand Name Marketer’s” AdSense templates, do you have to modify these as well?
Answer: Yes, you need to modify ANY AdSense template. Google is not stupid. They have their ears to the rails… so to speak. If anyone so much as passes wind in the internet marketing community, it’s on the adversarial committee agenda in the next meeting.
So don’t be fooled into thinking that some “AdSense Expert’s” templates would be granted any special consideration. These templates – just like any others – will be subject to the same quality control filters.
The “Quality Control” spiders are out there roaming around, looking for sites that appear identical in structure. Take the 500 or so copies of these templates that will be sold, times the 10-100, sites that each person will make, and that’s thousands of sites, all looking like they came from the same cookie cutter. Read the complete post…
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