‘Modify Your Templates or Suffer the Consequences’ – Campbell’s Latest Article
Read Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ newsletter article titled “Modify Your Templates or Suffer the Consequences”.
Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ newsletter article is reprinted here.
Modify Your Templates or Suffer the Consequences
Forget about buying some “off the rack” template, and expecting to be successful. Any kind of template, especially the AdSense ones, must be modified before you use them. They leave giant footprints that are easily detected and penalized by Google’s engineers.
Spot inspections show many templates to have bad or improperly formatted HTML code. They have missing Doctypes and invalid ISO statements. They don’t even come close to passing W3.org standards. But even if your html code is perfect, you’re still not out of danger.
One of search engine filters – that the local geeks refer to as – K1 is based on the proximity of elements. It looks at the page structure, including the relationship of photos, headlines, text and other elements on a page, to determine if a page is machine generated or not.
Now, the template itself may not have been machine generated, and it may have been thoughtfully designed using only hand picked, organically-grown, binary farmed zeros and ones 😉 . But the shear volume of identical structural elements on the site, and thousands like it, trigger the K1 filter into thinking “this type of site” is auto-generated and it gets penalized accordingly.
The machine penalized the site, and the machine can also remove the penalty if you modify the template. Make it look like your own design and you get out of the virtual dog house… so to speak. Suddenly your rankings will increase and so will your AdSense click revenues.
I’ve over simplified the explanation for the sake of illustration. The site isn’t penalized per se, like as in banned. But it is given a negative point score. Totally original sites are unaffected.
Also, the search engine algo doesn’t “think” it just executes instructions based on set of parameters. In short, Google uses its employees to manually review sites with AdSense ads on them. The sites are given a quality point score by the employee. Google engineers then program an algo, to replicate what the humans saw and did.
Then the spider happily (like a computer can be happy 😉 spiders the web, assessing negative point values to some sites, while leaving others alone.
This “human evaluation” followed by computer algo automation is Google’s favorite, “modus operandi.” Usually, after a few months of data entry, when the sample set is large enough, their algos are very effective at filtering out templates, auto-generated sites, and other garbage.
So if you are going to use templates, and I know some of you are. Treat them just like PLR articles. Modify them until each one is unique and can stand on their own merit… or suffer the consequences, like a low quality score.
For once you get the dreaded LQS, it will be applied to all your sites that have Google AdSense ads on them. Meaning you’ll get a lot less coin per click, from people like me, that allow their ads to be displayed on the Google AdWords Content Network.
And please consider that, if it wasn’t for me, and other people like me, whom are willing to pay for ads on the Content Network, AdSense revenue wouldn’t exist at all.
So keep in mind… AdSense is not a game, it’s very serious business. It’s Google’s revenue model. And real advertisers – like me – pay for those clicks.
So stick to making high quality sites. Put up valuable content that’s worth reading. If you do so, your quality score will stay high, and so will the revenues you make from clicks on the AdSense ads. Just keep converting those clicks into customers for us, and we’ll keep advertising on your web sites.
If you put up junk and garbage sites based on unmodified templates… the well could run dry in a hurry. Those are the true consequences my friend… and no one wants that to happen. Not me, not you, and especially Google.
So think twice before you grab a template, paste in your AdSense code and FTP a blob of junk up to your server. All you’ll get is a low quality score and very little money for your efforts. What you will get is a lot of frustration, anger and even hostility, towards the people who sold you the “three magic bean” template recipe.
Treat the advertiser and their ads with respect. Give their ads a good environment, with plenty of quality content that results in decent conversions. Then everyone will stay happy and prosperous for many years to come.
Wishing you all the best for online success,
Michael Campbell
CEO Dynamic Media Corporation
4644 Lancelot Court Richmond BC Canada V7C 4S2
Author of Nothing but ‘Net, Clickin’ it Rich, Revenge of the Mininet and the Internet Marketing Secrets newsletter.
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*IMNewswatch would like to thank Michael Campbell for granting permission to reprint the latest newsletter articles.
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