‘Take Your Online Revenues to the Max’ – Campbell’s Article
Read Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ newsletter article titled “Take Your Online Revenues to the Max”.
Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ newsletter article is reprinted here.
Take Your Online Revenues to the Max
If you are ready to take your Google AdSense profits and affiliate revenues to the “NEXT” level, then here’s exactly how 500 smart people are doing it.
We’ve all heard enough noise about AdSense templates. Here’s the real truth of the matter.
Templates by themselves will not lead to riches. They do not get visitors to your site. And if you use them without modifying them, you’ll end up with only one or two cents per click.
Those are the cold hard facts. No visitors. Few clicks. Little coin.
What will make you successful – especially if you’re new to all this – is investing in yourself. In your own training. And having a support system in-place to assist you with the learning curve. I’m talking about the Keyword Avalanche School of Higher Earning (K.A.S.H.E.).
Now before you click off… take 30 seconds for this:
The Avalanche just re-opened its doors for a limited time. I’ve been a supporter of theirs since they opened. I can’t tell you how many beginners have transformed into super affiliates and leading income earners, due to the training they received in the Avalanche.
Here’s just a sampler of what you get with your membership:
1) How to create sites that convert visitors into customers. 2) How build sticky sites that won’t get dropped or filtered out. 3) How to modify templates so they are search engine friendly. 4) Plans to generate traffic without resorting to risky methods. 5) Fresh keyword research to find niches with little competition. 6) Support from over 500 like-minded individuals in the forums. 7) 200 fresh articles every month, across 20 different topics. 8) Monthly audio interviews with SEO and marketing experts.
And it’s not going to be expensive. In fact, it’s less than a premium coffee per day. Less than a sandwich.
You get everything listed above, and to top it off, there’s over 20 hours of training video. So if you don’t know how to modify a template, there are videos for that. Questions about FTP? More videos. Every conceivable step, of every marketing process.
You’ll also get premium credits every month for NicheBOT 2.0, which is not available to the public. The BOT makes keyword research a snap, because it draws on the largest keyword databases and compares markets in real time. Invest in yourself. Invest in your knowledge. It is the cornerstone to success.
Benjamin Franklin once said, “If a man empties his purse into his head, no one can take it away from him. An investment of knowledge always pays the best interest.”
The Keyword Avalanche – my friends – is a heck of an investment and money well spent. Empty this knowledge into your mind and you’re never likely to go hungry again.
Want an Avalanche of Abundance? ==> http://www.cdzn.com/ka
Not Sure? Watch the Short Video. ==> http://www.cdzn.com/ka
That’s it for this issue my friend. Thank you for reading. We’ll chat again soon. Until then, here’s wishing you all the best for online success.
Michael Campbell
CEO Dynamic Media Corporation
Author of Nothing but ‘Net, Clickin’ it Rich, Revenge of the Mininet and the Internet Marketing Secrets newsletter.
#407 22255 122 Avenue Maple Ridge BC Canada V2X 3X8
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*IMNewswatch would like to thank Michael Campbell for granting permission to reprint the latest newsletter articles.
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