Campbell’s ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ Newsletter Subscribers Get Two Free eBooks
Michael Campbell is offering two ebooks as gift to subscribers of ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ newsletters. The free ebooks are entitled “Clickin’ it Rich” and “Revenge of the Mininet”.
Michael Campbell is offering two ebooks as gift to subscribers of ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ newsletters.
The free ebooks are entitled “Clickin’ it Rich” and “Revenge of the Mininet”.
Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ newsletter article is reprinted here.
Campbell’s ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ Newsletter Subscribers Get Two Free eBooks
The Day We’ve All Been Waiting For
As a special “thank you” for being loyal subscribers and readers – some of you have been with me for seven years – I want you to have two of my best sellers, Clickin’ it Rich and Revenge of the Mininet, as a gift.
Yep, not a hitch. Just my way of saying thanks.
Please note that the download pages shown below, are for existing subscribers only. That’s so you don’t have to resubscribe, jump through hoops, or subscribe twice, just to get the ebooks. All I ask is that you please keep the download pages a secret, and that you do not link to them.
If you want to tell your friends, colleagues and subscribers, about this wonderful gift, please send them directly to the newsletter’s home page. Once they subscribe to the newsletter, they’ll get to download the bonus ebooks as well.
Send your friends here:
IMS Home Page ==>
If you’re a beginner, or fairly new to affiliate programs, I suggest you start by reading Clickin’ it Rich. Then be sure to read recent backissues of the newsletter, to get up to speed, as quickly as possible.
If you’re already good at SEO and affiliate programs, then skip ahead to Revenge of the Mininet. Be sure to check the IMS blog for a continuing discussion of the Mininet strategies.
Also… some people still ask for my first ebook Nothing but ‘Net. It’s the story of two raw beginners that went from starting in a basement, to a very successful internet store in less than a year, with no advertising costs.
Although the SEO info is a somewhat dated, it’s still a very good read, especially if you intend to ship physical products to consumers over the internet.
One More Thing…
Starting with issue #101, you probably noticed a new format for the newsletter. After 100 issues of doing it “the old way” of 4,000 words or more per issue, it was too much information… overload many of you said.
You continually asked me to “feed you the elephant” one bite at a time. So due to popular demand, I’ll now provide you with a shorter 500 word newsletter – more often – that focuses on one or two key elements per issue.
To Get the Follow-up FAQs…
All the stories from the current issue of this newsletter, the follow-up discussions and FAQs, can be found on the blog. Be sure to visit it often, if you’ve been asking questions about Mininets, or the content of any newsletter. You’ll find your answers there:
IMS Blog ==>
Or if you prefer an HMTL version of the newsletter to read in your favorite app, all the recent back issues can be found in the IMS archives:
Thank you my friend. I wish you all the success in the world. Here’s to a long and prosperous relationship together.
Michael Campbell
CEO Dynamic Media Corporation
#407 22255 122 Avenue Maple Ridge BC Canada V2X 3X8
Author of Nothing but ‘Net, Clickin’ it Rich, Revenge of the Mininet and the Internet Marketing Secrets newsletter.
Don’t forget, today is the last day to get guaranteed a spot in the Keyword Avalanche. This is the only private site that I’m endorsing at this time. So if you want to explode your online business and take it to the max, I highly recommend you get the Avalanche training and mentoring, before they close the doors this Friday.
Keyword Avalanche ==>
Please forward this newsletter to your friends. Subscribe now and get two of Michael Campbell’s best-selling ebooks “Clickin’ it Rich” and “Revenge of the Mininet” as bonuses, just for signing up.
Click ==>
Legal stuff…
Copyright 2006 Dynamic Media Corporation. All rights reserved world wide. All trademarks and servicemarks are property of their respective owners.
The information contained in this newsletter is the opinion of the author based on his personal observations and years of experience. Neither the author or publisher assume any liability whatsoever for the use of or inability to use any or all of the information contained in this publication. Use this information at your own risk.
Privacy Policy: I never sell, rent, trade or lend any information about my subscribers to anyone, for any reason, whatsoever. I assure you that your privacy is respected and well protected.

Did you like this newsletter? Now you can get the same ideas the pro’s use, including tips, tricks and sneaky strategies, when you subscribe to Michael Campbell’s Internet Marketing Secrets Newsletter. Subscribe now and get two of Michael’s best-selling ebooks “Clickin’ it Rich” and “Revenge of the Mininet” as bonuses, just for signing up.
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Michael Campbell for granting permission to reprint the latest newsletter articles.
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