Serling to Release ‘Killer Copywriting Simplified’ Home Study Course
Bob Serling has announced that he will be releasing ‘Killer Copywriting Simplified’ Home Study Course next week. Serling says he will be printing 200 copies in the first run. The course will teach how to create email, sales letters, web pages, and space ads, according to Serling.
Bob Serling has announced that he will be releasing ‘Killer Copywriting Simplified’ Home Study Course next week. Serling says he will be printing 200 copies in the first run. The course will teach how to create email, sales letters, web pages, and space ads, according to Serling.
Serling says “Originally, there were three manuals in the course. There are now five manuals – with nearly twice as much material as I had originally planned on including. Here are the titles of each manual:
Vol 1 – Fundamentals of High-Profit Copywriting
Vol 2 – How to Write High-profit Email Quickly and Easily
Vol 3 – How to Write Web Pages that Sell
Vol 4 – How to Write Powerful Sales Letters
Vol 5 – How to Write Money-Making Space Ads
All five volumes focus on my my “Killer Copywriting Cheat Sheet” that let’s you create powerful email, sales letters, web pages, and space ads faster and more effectively than any other copywriting method. And they include tons of examples and paint-by-numbers templates you can use to create powerful copy whenever you need it….
Although 2,419 of you asked for advance notice, I’ll have only 200 copies available in the first print run. That’s because the next price break on printing kicks in at 1,000 copies and I never print that many when I introduce a new product.”
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