Read Michael campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ blog post titled ” Getting Started… How to Make Money With Affiliate Programs”.

Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ blog post is reprinted here.

Getting Started… How to Make Money With Affiliate Programs

Comment: Dear Michael, all this stuff would be great if I understood it! I have been trying to get into affiliate marketing for some time, but my lack of understanding of the terminology just leaves me more and more confused.

I am drowning in paper, CDs, etc. I have joined various things, but I still don’t get anywhere. It’s all very frustrating and sometimes I feel like sitting down and having a good cry. But I’m not really a crybaby, so I suppose I will soldier on and hope that one day, it all will become clear. Regards Barbara.

Response: Hi Barbara. That’s exactly why I decided to share my ebooks as a gift. There’s way too much info out there, and most of it is marginal quality at best.

People need quality info. Not only that, they need info that’s proven to work. Not just a couple of times… but hundreds of times, with hundreds of different people, in hundreds of different circumstances.

Here’s your fast track to affiliate marketing. Put everything else away and start with the Clickin’ it Rich Action Plan. It has step by step instructions. Each process starts with an outline and is followed by detailed steps.

Let me know if you get stuck on one of the processes, and I’ll try to help. If there is a training course or video that exists, I might recommend that you get one of those, instead of relying on my verbal instructions.

As for affiliate abbreviations, lingo and terminology, there are several good resources available. comes to mind as does

The Webopedia is dedicated to all things online and computers. It usually has the correct definitions for marketers and affiliate programs.

The Wikipedia is a publicly edited encyclopedia, and although the definitions are usually more detailed, it often has many meanings for the same term.

For example CTR – meaning click through rate – has many meanings on Wikipedia, but only one… the internet related one on Webopedia. So I find that a combo of both works best.

And don’t forget night school or some instructor led course. Very often people learn better in a live situation, with immediate feedback. Check the local colleges near you, they’ll have you making web site in no time.

But first… it’s time to get your homework done. Start with Clickin’ it Rich and take it one step at a time from there.


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*IMNewswatch would like to thank Michael Campbell for granting permission to reprint the latest blog post.





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