Dan Kennedy discusses ‘The Most Desirable Client’ in his Successful Marketing Strategies email. The email focuses on the importance of choosing desirable customers as part of goal setting and the importance of mailings lists in order to reach these clients.

Dan Kennedy discusses ‘The Most Desirable Client’ in his Successful Marketing Strategies email.

Kennedy writes in the email: “Advertising genius David Ogilvy started in the ad business by making a list of some corporations he would most like to have as clients. His attitude was, if you have to pursue new clients why not pursue especially desirable ones.

Goal setting is an important part of business success. As part of the goal setting process you should determine who your desirable customers are. There may be differences between your existent customers and your most desirable customers and you’ll need to take careful notice of those differences. Explore why they exist and determine what strategies are needed to attract and satisfy those preferred customers.”

[email with subject: …., The Most Desirable Client]

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