‘Can I Use Blogs in My Mininet?’ – Campbell’s Blog Post
Read Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ Blog post titled “Can I Use Blogs in My Mininet?”.
Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ blog post is reprinted here.

Question: May I ask you for some advice please? I have been reading your Revenge of the Mininet. My question is, to promote your main site with say 4 different sites, can you do that with blogs and/or subdomains or do you need to use 5 different domains?
Answer: Yes, you can use blogs to promote your central site. The type of web property doesn’t really matter. Neither does the quality of the hosting. The important thing is to feed your central site the link popularity and traffic.
I would stay away from blogger.com blogs, as Google has a nasty habit of shutting them off for no reason. (Their Bot decides to toast you and you’re gone.) So it’s better to use a blog on your own hosting account.
If you use subdomains, Google doesn’t really care. MSN will reward you at this time. Yahoo can filter them out using their web map filter for relevancy.
So the technology clearly exists to filter out artificial linking structures on subdomains. However, only one major engine has chosen to implement it at this time.

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*IMNewswatch would like to thank Michael Campbell for granting permission to reprint the latest blog posts.
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