Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ Blog post is titled “Ugly Web Site? No Worries. Roses Grow From Piles of ….”.

Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ blog post is reprinted here.

Ugly Web Site? No Worries. Roses Grow From Piles of ….

Question: “I have bought just about every product out there and I am more confused and stuck than when I started out. I have a computer background and also do web design. My question is, I need someone to help me cut through the fog and help me get started earning an income on the internet. I hope you will say yes to mentoring me.”~ Paulette

Answer: Hello Paulette. Sorry but I don’t do the coaching thing anymore. Best I can recommend is that you read Clickin’ it Rich and get busy. Use your computer and web design to put up a basic affiliate revenue site… and I want it done by next Thursday.

Just get your mouse in gear and stop procrastinating… I don’t mind if your site is ugly and doesn’t convert well, as those issues can be addressed later. Just get the site up.

So long as it’s something that you’re interested in, you won’t burn out on it. There’s affiliate programs for everything. Just go to any search engine and type in your keyword followed by “affiliate program” in quotes. Usually there will be plenty to choose from.

Once you have something to look at, we’ll take it from there. But while you’re here visiting the IMS Blog, look under the “Conversion Ratio” category. Read the “14 simple rules to boost your sites conversion ratio to as high as 8%,” and keep them in mind while designing your site.

But don’t spend any more than seven days on any single site. Put up one site per week. Make the second site on a similar topic to your first, then link them together like I show you in Revenge of the Mininet.

After you have four or five sites done, then and only then, go back with “editors eyes” and fine tune what you did when you where designing. That will cure the biggest problem of all… worrying if what you create is good enough.

It’s just software. It’s just a web site. It’s not a big deal. It’s not going to bite you. Just get your sites up. It’s that simple.

Remember, the Clickin’ it Rich student that made a million dollars in a single year? Had the ugliest web site that I ever saw. I even called it a train wreck!

But even a rose can grow out of a pile of… so please get busy and plant your flowers. Nourish them, watch them grow, and enjoy your garden of prosperity.


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*IMNewswatch would like to thank Michael Campbell for granting permission to reprint the latest blog posts.





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