Read Patric Chan’s latest ‘You Chan Do It’ blog article titled ” Some Valuable Information To Sell Online”.

Patric Chan’s latest blog article is reprinted here.

Some Valuable Information To Sell Online

You have been exposed by marketers telling you to find an online market that you can sell in.

Don’t get it all too confusing. Remove all of the mumbo jumbo stuff that they’re trying to fit in your brain.

In a simple way to understand, it’s just as defined as finding a potential market for an information product to sell.

This IS the early stage of the most important task of all because if you haven’t got a buying market, why develop the product?

The stronger the market the better chance you have to make money in it. Common sense.

Somehow, I think I’m stepping ahead of the success tips I’m sharing today.

We’re not interested about selling products.

I mean, I’m not interested about selling any types of products but just info-products.

They could be:

• electronic books (e-books) • multimedia CD-ROM • software • computer games • spreadsheets and formulas • music (MP3’s, etc)

But whatever format it is in, it doesn’t matter.

What’s matter is THE CONTENT in it.

Wait. Actually, it does matters depending on the medium. A lot.

Different types of formats or mediums can demand different kind of selling price.

The majority of Internet users now access information free of charge and this is going to be a difficult attitude to change unless…

You’re able to PERSUADE the customer on paying you to get what they want instantly.

The ‘trick’ is in the power of words. So if you’re not good with persuasive words, you better get up and start picking up some good copywriting skill.

When selling anything, paint a picture of the benefits and use of your product WITH WORDS.

Trust me, you can create amazing stuff with just words.

As said earlier, free information is everywhere.

But if you want to get your customer’s money, it’s YOUR JOB to focus on the ‘exchange value’.

What are they getting in return for giving their money to you?

Figure that out and you’ll be a rich person.

All smart marketers spend time to do that.

I don’t think they focus on how to sell their product. A smart marketer will find ways how to present his product to the prospect who is LOOKING FOR THAT PRODUCT.

In fact, figure out how your value can worth many times fold for the money value that you’re asking in return.

Once you’ve determined if there’s a market, you can safely begin developing your information product to sell. Again, I want to remind you that developing a product is not focused on writing an ebook or creating a software.

It’s focused on what value you’re going to give to your customer.

So, what’s this value I’m talking about?

Well for a start, value can be anything as long as it’s valuable to the person.

I’m not trying to be funny but that’s the definition of ‘value’.

It could be entertainment, solutions, giving happiness, etc.

Example, selling a game doesn’t solve a real problem. But the value that the customer sees is how he is going to have so much fun by exchanging his money with the value you’re wiling to exchange.

In a nutshell, creating information products is done by determining what the focus and benefit of your information product will have.

It’s good if you’re an expert in the product that you’re creating but you don’t have to be one if you are not!

Ha. What a relief, eh?

Here’s a simple tip to create product without using your own expertise (Because you don’t have):

Simply ask 10 experts to contribute to your ebook or manual with a 10 or 20 pages of content!

Wham. You get a 100 – 200 pages of a new ebook to sell now.

Of course, it’s easier said than done.

If you’re going to try that in the internet marketing niche, I think you might need to work very hard.

But OUTSIDE of that niche, I think it’s relatively easy to achieve.

Get 10 book authors of love and dating topic to contribute in your book.

And there you have it… you’re the “author” of “Underground Dating Tips Revealed” ebook.

Why would they agree to do this free for you?

Because at the end of their content contribution, you’ll include a link back to their web site or information how the reader can get in touch with them. It’s free publicity for them to be in your book. The more copies you sell, the more exposure they will get.

But that’s an old idea. Been used hundreds of times.

Come up with new creative ideas!

The ability to think in practical but creative and original ways is available to everyone.

I don’t know how you are going to come up with ideas. It could be while doing something completely unrelated to your business such as walking, gardening, taking the shower or playing your kids. Honestly, I don’t really care how you are going to come up with ideas but what’s important is YOU MUST have creative ideas to create an info-product that sells like hot cakes.

Well, if you have a list of subscribers or customers, ask them for their ideas. It’s free.

Then, create your own info-product.

Developing your information product means creating a package that delivers to your targeted audience that will produce the results you claimed, right?

Make sure you stick to that.

Guess what – As much as the content is important, you better make sure it comes with good packaging and the delivering mechanism with your information product.

An ebook can be sold for $27. But for the same ebook’s content, it can be sold for $97 if they’re in printed text books, videos and audio CD’s. Interesting, huh?

There isn’t any other types of products that can be produced with the incredible mark-up profit and provide astonishing value for the buyers.


Perceived value, my friend.

“Perceived value” is simply the value placed on the ‘end results’ or primary benefit your end users attach to your products.

Your development costs are usually low compared to the perceived value and actual cost of developing and packaging your product. On the Internet, you’re packaging costs are actually ZERO. And your profits, LARGE. Normally, your real cost is TIME AND EFFORT.

Do you have those two?

Time and effort. Good.

What is it exactly your customers are buying?

Are they buying the paper and ink the course was written on? Or the plastic cassette tape the recording was on?

Of course not. Duh. What they wanted and what they bought were the results they hoped to attain from having the access to your private and exclusive information.

I like to end with this…

“People buy our products and services for their reasons, not ours.”

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You “Chan” Do It!

Patric Chan

Patric Chan

Patric Chan’s ‘Chan Do Internet Success System’ Newsletter is available at To know more about ‘Chan Do Internet Success system’ go to You Chan Do It Blog

*IMNewswatch would like to thank Patric Chan for granting permission to reprint the latest blog posts.





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