Alex Mandossian has released a new episode of ‘Alex TV’. “Once the 37-second video is done, the web page will “redirect” you to a very, very important “opt-in” form..”, says Mandossian. [Watch Video]

Alex Mandossian has released a new episode of ‘Alex TV’.

“Once the 37-second video is done, the web page will “redirect” you to a very, very important “opt-in” form..”, says Mandossian.

Mandossian says, “.. if you “opt-in,” you will soon get access to our fr^ee VSW tele-training which will feature 3 of our 49 faculty members for Virtual Seminar Week…

.. this fr^ee private tele-training happens on Thursday, Nov. 2nd, but you MUST “opt-in” to get the dial-in number and passcode (via email)”.

[email with the subject: WatchAlexTV episode inside…]

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