‘Video Formats for Use on YouTube.com’ – Campbell’s Blog Post
Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ blog post titled “Video Formats for Use on YouTube.com” is reprinted here.. [Read the Blog Post]
Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ blog post is reprinted here.
Video Formats for Use on YouTube.com
Question: I’m trying to convert a file and upload it to YouTube.com. I upgraded to QuickTime Pro, but I’m not successful in trying to convert WMV to a format that’s acceptable to YouTube. Do I need to convert the WMV file first? ~ Rolf
Answer: Hello Rolf. WMV from what I remember is a proprietary Windows format. YouTube wants something a little more universally compatible.
I have utility on my Mac called Flip4mac, that allows me to view and convert WMV into Quicktime, MP4 or whatever. But I’m not sure if you’re on Windows because I don’t have a PC around me at the moment.
Maybe record into a different format? Or if it’s an old file that’s already recorded, you might be able to use Windows media player, or some other freeware utility to convert the files, into something that Quicktime Pro and YouTube.com can understand. Check download.com for all sorts of software utilities, or try searching your favorite engine for, “convert WMV to MP4.”
Wait a sec… just checked the YouTube site and got this gem from their Help Center => Troubleshooting => Uploads. I hope it helps.
“”YouTube does not currently accept videos in Flash (.flv) or RealAudio (.rm) format.
You may need to try using software other than the software that came with your camera, such as Windows MovieMaker (included with every Windows installation), or Apple iMovie. Using these programs, you can easily edit your videos, add soundtracks, and change the file type, etc.
Saving your video file as .avi, .mpg or .mov should enable you to upload your video with no problems. We recommend MP3 audio for best results.””
All that said though, after a little testing, here’s the best format to upload: MPEG4 at 320 X 240 pixels with MP3 audio, at 30 frames per second. Resizing your video before uploading will help your clips look their best.
Michael Campbell

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*IMNewswatch would like to thank Michael Campbell for granting permission to reprint the latest blog posts.
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