‘Your Most Important Business Asset’ – Campbell’s Latest Article
Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ newsletter article titled “Your Most Important Business Asset” is reprinted here. Read the Article.
Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ newsletter article is reprinted here.
Your Most Important Business Asset
Why do some businesses fail and others achieve greatness? Is it the advertising? Partially. Is it the quality of service? Yes that helps. Is it price? Not really. So what is it then?
It’s the customers. And the relationship you have with those customers that will ultimately determine your success online or off.
So how do you get these loyal customers?
Ask any online business and they’ll tell you it’s the list. The money is in the list. I hate that.
And I really dislike it when marketers refer to their readerships as lists. Or when they email me, asking me to “hit my list.” But like it or not, that’s what they call it… a list.
I’ve been saying for years, the money is not in the list. It’s in the relationship that you have with each and every member of your list.
Treat every subscriber as a friend. Follow a “tell don’t sell” model. Try to help as many people as possible. And above all, listen to what your readers tell you. That’s how you build a strong and loyal following.
That’s why I wanted you to know about this new course from Michael Cheney. He’s same guy that did the AdSense videos, that revolutionized where everyone put their ads on their pages for maximum clicks.
Now Mr. Cheney has turned his attention to his most requested item. How to build a readership. And how do it in as little as 11 days.
I’ve never endorsed a “list building” course before. But this one is different. Michael shows you how to build a list of readers, quickly, ethically, and without resorting to trickery.
I’ve been watching the videos and have been picking up all sorts of tips… Which isn’t easy considering the length of time that I’ve been publishing online. I implemented just one of Michael’s tips and picked a few hundred new subscribers in just over a week.
When this thing launches, it’s going to include 40 some videos lasting several hours. And for the first week, it’s going to be only a 127 bucks. So if you’d like to get a reminder, when this remarkable course is available, then go to the site and enter your name.
Oh right, I nearly forgot. The reason I’m telling you about this today, instead of next Tuesday when the course officially launches, is that you can get a whole lot of goodies by signing up now.
But you have to act before Monday. Michael told me on Wednesday, that all the pre-launch goodies will be coming offline on Monday. So I thought I better tell you right away.
Here’s all you need do. Go to his site and register. You’ll be shown a quick video on how this course came about. You’ll get a five part mini-course and eight videos on how to build a readership.
You can ask Michael any question you want about building a following. You can even post on his blog, and try to win a copy of the complete course.
So that’s the whole deal. This Tuesday launches the only “readership building” & “lead generating” course that I’ve ever endorsed. It’s the only one that I’ve seen that follows the approved “whitelist” methods, to ensure you’ll never get into trouble or be accused of spamming.
But you need to go to the site and sign up now. That way, you’ll get all the pre-launch goodies and be reminded on Tuesday, about the low 127 dollar price he’s offering during launch week.
Then once you get the course and watch the videos, Michael Cheney will show you how to build loyal following quickly and easily. And once you start that relationship with your readers, you’ll understand why every marketer on the planet, calls their readership, or list, their most important business asset.
Are You Ready for a Loyal Following? ==> http://www.cdzn.com/11
That’s it for this issue my friend. Thank you for reading. We’ll chat again soon. Until then, here’s wishing you all the best for online success.
Michael Campbell
P. S.
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P. P. S.
Please forward this newsletter to your family, friends, coworkers and anyone else that you think would like it. When you subscribe, you’ll get two of Michael Campbell’s best selling ebooks “Clickin’ it Rich” and “Revenge of the Mininet” as bonuses, just for signing up.
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*IMNewswatch would like to thank Michael Campbell for granting permission to reprint the latest newsletter articles.
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