‘Sunday Email – Part 5 (Or Monday)’ – Chan’s Latest Article
Patric Chan’s latest ‘You Chan Do It’ Blog article titled “Sunday Email – Part 5 (Or Monday)” is reprinted here. [Read the Article]
Patric Chan’s latest You Chan Do It’ Blog article is reprinted here.
Sunday Email – Part 5 (Or Monday)
I know it’s already Monday when you read this but it’s a sequel from past “Sunday Emails”.
This is suppose to be the “Sunday Email” but I was so tight up with my schedule and unable to write it on time. Instead, I’ve created a short free audio course for you called, “Why People Buy”. You can access this at the earlier post.
I’ll be speaking at a seminar in November 2006. Other speakers included are Tom Hua, Willie Crawford, Stephen Pierce, Ewen Chia, etc. And I’ll be doing something crazy –
I’m about to put myself ‘on the line’ in front of a LIVE Malaysian audience with a demonstration that has never been attempted before … Proof of making money within 24 hours.
The only problem is, it’s in Malaysia. So if you’re a Malaysian or Singaporean (Or you like to travel to Malaysia to attend), go to:
If you’re from UK, I’ll be speaking there as well in early Dec this year. I’ll fill in the details when it’s 100% confirmed.
Let’s start with the “Sunday Email”…
Many Marketers Make A Fortune Teaching Other People How To Make Money Online.
Or basically, in the “internet marketing” niche.
It’s true.
That’s why many people wanted to jump into this lucrative niche market.
There’s nothing for me to hide that I make money in this niche as well.
I think the main reason why this is such a profitable niche is because selling the “hope of achievement” is so darn high.
I don’t know – How many times you have read a salesletter that promises the customer that they can make millions after buying their particular internet marketing courses?
I think making millions is possible but not for anyone who READS the course.
I’m not pointing that using the word “million” is wrong- I’m pointing that the idea of selling the “hope” of making money is so lucrative in this particular market.
That’s why many people start to develop their own internet marketing course.
Or write an ebook about internet marketing in general.
Hhm. That’s the last thing that the world needs.
Seriously, there are so many courses about internet marketing right now.
But you should not miss out this opportunity because I think you should still consider building a success in this niche. Not by developing another internet marketing course…
But by coming up with proven success ways to make money online by using a specific method.
Here’s what I mean:
Go out and try making money from eBay.com.
Made it?
The next point is…
How much can you make?
Let’s say, $10,000 USD.
Now you have a product, my friend.
Create a product teaching people how to make money online through eBay by revealing how you made $10,000 USD in one month.
Show them a case study of how you achieved.
It doesn’t have to be eBay.com.
It could be as simple as doing blog and ping to make money from Adsense.
If you have gotten success with it, why not you create a course called…
“How To Make Money Online By Just Using Blog And Ping!”
Then teach them based on what have been proven for you to make money.
Don’t you think that will be solid?
I think the internet marketing market is sick and tired with all kind of fluff and theories. Many people come up with internet marketing courses without solid proof of how it can actually works.
But really – Getting proof and developing a course based on what is working for you is easier than you think.
With the current internet marketing market, there are so many types of source code and private label rights being sold.
Let’s say you bought a specific source code of a keyword analyzer software.
Use that software personally to find profitable keywords. Then make money online from those keywords.
Now you can create a BRAND NEW keyword software that have been tested to work.
And remember, it’s not fluffy theories anymore. You HAD ACTUALLY made money from using this new tool that you have developed.
On top of that, you can support this software with a course of how to make money online by using your own methods, step-by-step.
How good is that?
If you don’t like to take my advice and go ahead to develop a new general internet marketing course, that’s fine with me. Why would I care.
You’ll just end up competing with Jim Edwards, Stephen Pierce, Mike Filsaime, John Reese, Ewen Chia, Derek Gehl, Bryan Kumar, Henry Gold, Harris Fellman, Russell Brunson, Anik Singal, Allen Says, Paul Myers, Jo Han Mok, Dr. Joe Vitale, Tom Hua, David Cavanagh, Brett McFall, Jason James, Andrex Fox, Gary Huynh, Jeremy Burns Jeremy Gislason, Yanik Silver, David Vallierres, Mark Joyner, Tellman Knudson, Ryan Deiss, Jimmy Brown, me and a bunch more marketers.
If you’re a marketer reading this and your name is not mentioned above, my sincere apology. It has nothing to do with me forgetting you. Names above just come up to my mind WITHOUT thinking. As you can see, there are hundreds of established internet marketers and it’ll NOT BE POSSIBLE for me to list all of them here.
Assuming you’re competing on a fair ground with internet marketers that have ALREADY dominated the internet marketing niche with a GENERAL internet marketing course, can you still make money online?
Not only it is going to be hard for you to sell your own product, it’ll be a nightmare trying to get affiliates/JV partners to sell a general how to make money/internet marketing book – Because most of your JV Partners already have their OWN GENERAL internet marketing courses to sell!
Even if they don’t have, they’ll probably buy the resale rights of a product they want to sell.
But if you have a specialized information based on a focused topic with your own success to support it, I think you’ll have a better winner.
I mean, everybody can develop a course about SEO by teaching about the usage of keywords, backlinks, etc… but how many of these people actually got their sites ranked at page #1 of Google?
I have a fair success with SEO. See the image below which shows I got ranked page #1 of Google.com for the keyword “Success Ideas”, competing with 57 million other sites:
(Click here to view the image)
But I never ‘dare’ to come out with a SEO course because it’s not supported with enough evidence of success. Other than that, I think it’s too competitive for me to beat other SEO courses. For the same amount of time, I can use the same information I know about SEO to get rank for other websites.
You see, I do a lot of “underground” internet marketing tactics and have been proven to successful but I’ll still think twice of developing a new course.
“Patric, there are people who sold 1,000 copies in 48 hours.”
Yes, I noticed that. In fact, one of the recent was was Andrew Fox with Dominating Clickbank.
I was impressed.
That’s why I stated earlier that you should penetrate this niche with a “unique twist” because it’s very profitable. Or, avoid it at all cost.
But did you realize that Andrew is not a newbie?
He doesn’t just come out from nowhere and was able to pull that kind of massive result.
Andrew have sweated and God knows what kind of high and low he have been through for years to be where he is today.
The point is, it’s easy to sell 1,000 copies when you have already build the credibility and trust of what you can offer to this market.
That’s why it’s important to start with a focused product now. And in times to come, you can achieve what Andrew have achieved – 1,000 copies sold with 48 hours.
Then you must master the art of joint venture and recruiting affiliates. Maybe, I’ll talk about that in the next “Sunday Email”.
But if you don’t develop a unique, proven-to-work course and start with a general how to make money/ internet marketing book, then what’s your…
Looooonnnngggg-term goal?
Ok. You can sell a few copies in a month. That’s not going to pay your mortgage, bucko.
Then what?
But if you’re making money OUTSIDE of the internet marketing niche, you’re developing 2 income streams at the same time.
Let’s say you’re focused on making money as an affiliate promoting exercise related products.
The more money you’re making in what you do best, the better the course you can develop about…
“How To Make Money As An Affiliate In The Health Exercise Market”
Then, your internet marketing niche’s income is just secondary.
My main niche market is the self-help.
Here some of the sites that I have selling my own products:
And tons more of other sites that are currently providing content, building mailing list, affiliate mini-sites, blogs and the whole nine yards to dominate my self-help niche.
If I can keep on doing this, I don’t need to make so many promotions to my internet marketing list and they’ll figure out who’s the real deal.
I know it sounds like a cunning trick but the proof is in the pudding, so to speak.
But do you think I want to keep on doing these with my internet marketing niche and many of my other small online businesses?
In times to come, there are going to be more competitors. New market players when they see the opportunity. More aggressive ones.
Especially in the internet marketing niche. I keep counts – Of how many product launches in a single week!
And I’m not referring to the new players only. Many established internet marketers have their own product launches as well. I have to admit I’m one of the guilty ones too because I do have mine previously and will have more in the future.
Yeah, call me the guilty one. (smile)
With more and more product launches, it’ll be more difficult to get JV partners for promotion because they’ll have their own priority as well. Most marketers will require 2-way JV promotion nowadays because they’ll need you to promote their products as well.
If you notice that I’m ‘slow’ to come up with new products or not promoting often nowadays, it’s because I’m shifting to develop other things online.
What am I planning?
Because an online business model is so easy to duplicate, smart marketers will keep them under the radar.
A personal friend of mine have just lost his whole business idea because he shared with another marketer. That idea can worth $100,000 USD a month easily. I can’t drop any names here because both of them are my friends. But if you don’t believe that this is a real scenario, it’s ok because I’m not here to impress anyone but just to give free advice.
I’m developing a new site – Nothing to do with internet marketing or salesletter but using what I know about internet marketing to do this.
Then, sell it off for 10 million USD after 3-5 years when it’s getting non-stop, ever growing traffic on auto-pilot.
And maybe, I’ll create a new course how to do this and it’ll sell like crazy. (smile)
Do you know Stephen Pierce? I’ve just co-created a superb product with him recently at: http://www.winintheniche.com/
He’s been idle a while in the internet marketing niche for the past few months because he’s busy securing a consultation deal with the US Federal Government. That itself can worth up to $1 BILLION USD. Other than that, he has just launched a new product, the “BrainEntrainment CD” which is outside the internet marketing niche as well. Take a look at:
*Note: Stephen revealed how he’s going to develop this business into a $10 million USD sales turnover a year in the new “How To Build A Million Dollar Business Online Volume II”. You’ll get the Volume II for free when you get a copy of How To Win In Niche at: http://www.winintheniche.com/
Those are the ones that are officially shown to the public now. Do you know what else he’s doing now? I can’t tell. You need to ask him personally for that. (smile)
If you find value in this “Sunday Email”, feel free to leave your comment below. I’ll read every single one of them and will appreciate your effort.
You “Chan” Do It!
-Patric Chan http://www.youchandoit.com/
P.S: If you do not have the time to develop any good specialized internet marketing course with success proof, you can get started immediately by investing in resale rights. I’ll recommend the resale rights of Profit Loop System – Advance Email Marketing at:
Patric Chan

Patric Chan’s ‘Chan Do Internet Success System’ Newsletter is available at http://www.automateinternetmarketing.com. To know more about ‘Chan Do Internet Success system’ go to http://www.youchandoit.com/. You Chan Do It Blog
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Patric Chan for granting permission to reprint the latest articles.
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