Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ newsletter article titled “To Succeed Online” is reprinted here. [Read the Article].

Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ newsletter article is reprinted here.

To Succeed Online

To succeed online, all it takes is to find a niche, create a site around that niche, and sell products to that niche market. That could work, but it’s the long way round. Here is the shortcut and right way to do it.

To succeed online, you need to identify a problem. Create the solution. Sell the solution to the existing market.

Never create a product and find a market. Always do it the other way round. Find a market with a need, and sell the product as the “solution” to their problems.

To find out the problems people are having, you can survey them. Simply ask your readers and they’ll tell you what they need.

Survey with One Minute Poll ==> http://www.cdzn.com/omp

If you don’t have a readership, you really should start building one. Michael Cheney’s new course, “11 Days to List Profits” just launched yesterday. So if you’re interested in building a list, his course will tell you how.

11 Days to List Profits ==> http://www.cdzn.com/11

Michael told me that, “”You could gather every single “guru” in a room and hold them ransom, demanding all their worldly possessions from them, but you could be sure of one thing;

– They would give you their ideas.
– They would give you their hardware.
– They would give you their websites.
– They would give you their copyrights.
– Some would even would give you their car.

BUT they would NEVER, EVER give you their list!

Why do you think this is? Because when you get your own profitable list you have a future-proof way of making a living on the internet.””

I have to agree with Michael Cheney’s assessment. So if you don’t have your own list, I suggest you start one today.

Start by putting up a form on your web site. You can get a form when you join a mailing service like AWeber.

AWeber Newsletter Service ==> http://www.cdzn.com/aws

Put the form in the middle of your home page. Start collecting names and addies from the people who visit your site.

Then start mailing the people using AWeber. Keep in touch with your new readers at least once a week.

So what if you DON”T have a list? What can you do right now? Like I said at the beginning…

Find a market, create the solution, sell the solution to the existing market.

How to you find a market? One with little competition? One that’s wide open and just waiting for you to come in and dominate it?

Two words… Keyword Research

There are a lot of keyword research tools out there. And one of my favorites over the years has been Nichebot.

If you’ve read the Clickin’ it Rich Action Plan, you know that I created an entire strategy based on this tool.

The good news is Nichebot 2.0 is just over the horizon. Tuesday November 14th is a day to mark on your calendar.

If you liked Nichebot, Nichebot 2 is ten times better. No other keyword service taps all the major services like Wordtracker, Overture and Keyword Discovery.

No other service will show you the sweet spots at a glance. You’ll know instantly where the markets are, how much competition there is, and what they’re searching for.

But don’t mark it on your calendar. Just simply sign up to the priority notification list, and we’ll take care of the rest.

NNichebot2 ==> http://www.cdzn.com/nb2

Legal stuff…

Copyright 2006 Dynamic Media Corporation. All rights reserved world wide. All trademarks and servicemarks are property of their respective owners.

The information contained in this newsletter is the opinion of the author based on his personal observations and years of experience. Neither the author or publisher assume any liability whatsoever for the use of or inability to use any or all of the information contained in this publication. Use this information at your own risk.

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*IMNewswatch would like to thank Michael Campbell for granting permission to reprint the latest newsletter articles..





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