‘Google Cash Update Burned’ – Google Cash Blog
Chris Carpenter’s latest ‘Google Cash’ Blog post titled “Google Cash Update Burned” is reprinted here. [Read the Blog Post]
Chris Carpenter’s latest ‘Google Cash’ Blog post titled “Google Cash Update Burned” is reprinted here.
Google Cash Update Burned
Checkout what happened to my office.Notice how the fire’s smoke “painted” the walls black?
That’s where my computer used to be, and my backup drives. Isn’t this crazy?
The smoke poored out of my office and painted the ceilings and walls of the rest of the house black
Luckily no one was hurt, so it was no big deal. I did lose an expensive laptop, a ton of work and some other material things, but, again, thank goodness no one was hurt. And to think I almost left my dog inside my office when I left the house. That would have been really sad!
Several months ago I sent you an email asking you for your biggest question about Landing Pages and Adwords Affiliate Marketing. I told you that I would answer your questions in the next Google Cash update.
We compiled all of the questions we received and answered them in two calls and in 2 Special Reports.
As I was almost finished with the final touches, a freak accident occurred. I didn’t even know such an accident was possible, I wonder if you know that such a thing can happen?
In my office I have a few desks and tables. On one of the tables I have my external hard drives that I use for backing up my data. I have two externals. I back up to each of them thinking that if one fails, there’s another.
This day, I had been using my laptop outside under a palapa enjoying the ocean breeze. I set my laptop down on the table with the external hard drives. I didn’t return my laptop to its computer desk where I plug it in to a keyboard, monitor and mouse, since we were rushing out the door to go to town to have dinner. I just set it down on the table with the external hard drives and a few other gadgets that were on the table.
When we returned home after dinner, there was black smoke coming out of the front door of the house. I ran in the house wondering where the fire was. I knew that no one was home, so I wasn’t worried that anyone was hurt. And I knew that the house was relatively safe from fire as it is a concrete house.
I was thinking that perhaps it was a kitchen fire. As I walked in and passed the kitchen, no fire there, well maybe it’s the hot water heater or something like that, I thought. Nope. That’s weird, there’s smoke seeping through my office door. What could be burning in there?
I carefully opened the door and entered the office. And there where the table used to be with my laptop, 2 external drives, an ipod, and my digital camera ““ instead was a smoldering pile of ashes.
As you can see from the pictures ““ everything on the table burned up, gone.
I lost my computer and my backups. All of my recent work was lost.
When I first came upon it, I was in shock and disbelief and my mind started racing and jumping to all sorts of conclusions, such as, Foul Play, somebody sabotaged me. What’s going on here … How could this possibly have happened?
Shortly after all of my crazy farfetched hipotheses, my nearest neighbor came over and explained to me how lightning had hit the power pole in front of the house and that his house was without electricity.
We concluded that the lightning strike must have sent a surge of electricity to my house and that the powerstrip surgeprotector that was on my table with the laptop, exploded and caught fire burning everything on the table.
The smoke from the fire billowed out of the office and painted the ceilings black throughout the rest of the house (as you can see in the photos).
We’ve since cleaned up the office and repainted it and I am back working in it.
The Google Cash Update is also nearly complete and real soon I will send it to you.
Sorry for the delay in getting you the GC Update, but I think it will be worth the wait.
What’s New in the Google Cash 3rd Edition?
It will include:
* 55 page Special Report on Building Landing Pages
* 43 page Special Report on improving Google Adwords Campaign results
* Mp3 Audios of both special reports
* 10 Day Action Guide with daily action steps, checklists, and helpful insights
* A Google Slap workaround explained with video
* Organized so those who have used the ebook before can efficiently find the new material
Thanks again for being a Google Casher!
Don’t forget to unplug your powerstrips when leaving the house!
Please leave me your comments…Have you ever heard of a powerstrip catching fire?
Post Related Link
Chris Carpenter’s ‘Google Cash’ Blog
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Chris Carpenter for the publication of this blog post.
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