Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ blog post titled “Google Says… The Good Guy Always Wins” is reprinted here.. [Read the Blog Post]

Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ blog post is reprinted here.

Google Says… The Good Guy Always Wins

Question: Michael, can a PR5 page out-position a cloaked page without PageRank? I notice a pattern in the competitive keyword niches, that many sites contain no PR, and you are not able to perform an SEO analysis of their sites. They look like spam generated sites with keyword search engine results.

Answer: Usually a PR5 site will beat an unranked site. But PR is not as important as it used to be. We’ll often see a mix of PR3 to PR7 in the same search results. There are something like 100 different calculations that determine positioning.

Without specific urls to look at, it sounds to me like these may be new sites, that Google has crawled but not yet indexed. They are on what’s referred to as the “frontier” of the crawl.

Google is aware of the sites because of the incoming links. The site itself however, has yet to be crawled and indexed.

If you cannot view their source code, then yes… they could be cloaked. I wouldn’t recommend going down that path though, as there are serious consequences if you get caught.

Q2: I was planning on outranking my competitors by using a cloaking script, and a throwaway domain, buying a link from a PR5 site, and then linking it to my money site. I plan on using any tool at my disposal for my clients, without looking like a spammy site.

A2: I’d be very careful about using cloaking. If you try it and get caught, you’ll be banned everywhere, and put on a naughty person list. And don’t forget, if people find cloaked pages, they can always complain to Google, as cloaking is against their TOS.

But why go to all that trouble? Why not join the Article Underground instead, and get access to all their dozens of announcement blogs. Just a thought anyways… and you wouldn’t have to resort to trickery, cloaking or throw away domains.

You could focus on building a legitimate white hat business, which is way better in the long run, for both you and your clients.

Why keep throwing away domains with black hat tactics, when white hat tools like the Underground exist? With AU, you get content, SEO training, and as many incoming links as you want.

Q3: Can I use the Article Underground articles with RSS ? Can I use the content from AU as my own RSS feed?

3: Yes, as far as I know, you can use the AU content however you like. You don’t have to give credit or anything. Post it how and where you like. The only real rule, is that you cannot repackage it, or resell the articles.

So if you’re ready to put away your black hat and start building a legitimate online presence for your customers, Michael Liebner told me that he has a few openings right now if you want to join the Article Underground (AU) and its Blog Network.

Join the Article Underground ==> http://www.cdzn.com/au

Michael Campbell


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*IMNewswatch would like to thank Michael Campbell for granting permission to reprint the latest blog posts.





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