Scott Boulch’s “The List Virus – Secret Tool Behind Success of The Death of AdSense” is launching on Thursday, November 16. [Read Boulch’s Views on ‘The Death of…’ Reports]

Scott Boulch’s “The List Virus – Secret Tool Behind Success of The Death of AdSense” is launching on Thursday, November 16.


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The List Virus – Secret Tool Behind Success of The Death of AdSense

Boulch says, “Wow. That didn’t take long.

As you know, it’s only been a few weeks since I released the now infamous “Death Of Adsense” report.

And already, we’ve had a few people trying to duplicate our viral strategy.

But here’s the thing ……

They’re Doing Everything Wrong!

First of all, just writing a report and sticking the words “The Death Of” is not a good strategy.

It’s just a painfully obvious rip-off and 99% of internet marketers will realize exactly what you’re doing.

Second, if you really want to start a viral phenomenon and build your list to massive numbers in just days (or even hours in some cases), then you’ve got to have the right tool.

“The List Virus” was the secret tool behind the huge success of the Death of Adsense report.


This secret software allowed me to quickly and easily build a list of over 38,000 confirmed opt-ins in just a few days.

If you want to build a massive list… and you want to avoid falling flat on your face by just blindly copying the next hot report, then I suggest you take a close look at “The List Virus”.

Because not only am I going to give you the secret tool that allowed us to build such a gigantic list… I’m also going to reveal how you can structure you own launchs and how to use controversy and drama to grow your list like never before.

This is powerful stuff. If you do it wrong, everybody will see you as a rip-off artist and your list will actually shrink!

But if you follow my instructions, you’ll discover how to explode your list numbers and create a viral explosion.

Listen, I’m not going to let many people in on this. I think we’ve already seen what can happen if this stuff falls into the wrong hands. (It’s only a matter of days until some wanna-be guru tries to distribute a report called “The Death Of The Internet” report. Sigh…)

So if you want to build massive lists… and you want to discover the key to making viral promotions spread like wildfire, then I highly suggest you try to get a spot in “The List Virus”.


The doors open at noon CST on November 16th, 2006. And only a handful of people will be allowed in.

So stay tuned and circle the date:

November 16th.
Noon. (Central Time).

To your success”,

Scott “Nada-Guru” Boulch

[email with the subject: Here Come The Cheap Knock-Offs]

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